12 People Who Were in the Right Place at the Right Time

month ago

We wish Lady Luck was always by our side. For example, it would be nice to find money on the road, an expensive thing at home or to get a job thanks to a funny chance. These are exactly the situations that happened to our heroes.

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  • I work in a jewelry store and had a salesman pulling out loose diamonds for me to look at. One popped out of the paper and fell over my side of the counter. Looked around for hours and somehow could not find it.
    Got home that night and was taking off my shoes when the stone fell out of the pant cuff at the bottom of my slacks. Called up the salesman and told him. We had a very relieving laugh over it! © bigbourbon / Reddit
  • Company I work for offered me all their old furniture, thousands of dollars worth. They didn’t want to deal with selling or paying to have it removed, so my friend, in charge of the move, offered it all to me for free. I just sold a small portion of it last week for $5,000. It was a lot of hard work and long days, but I still have about $30K worth of nice furniture for sale. © fixerofthings / Reddit
  • I lost my phone while we were laying pipe at work. Filled in the trench and then realized I had lost it somewhere in the 60 feet of trench we dug. Left it there overnight, seeing as it was already dark, and I couldn’t hear it when I called it.
    Returned the next day with listening equipment. Took an extremely lucky guess on where it was and located it within 30 minutes. Dug 2.5 feet down to find that the only damage was a small crack on my screen protector and a scuff on my Otter Box.
    Everyone including me had written it off as never to be recovered. 2 hours of my time when I figured it would take me a week to find it. © TommyToughNuts3 / Reddit
  • My friend’s father was gifted an oil pencil drawing in the late 70s. His family always assumed it was pretty much worthless, and I always joked that it looked like my friend had drawn it as a child. This stilly angry stick figure drawing ended up being an unsigned piece of art by Jean-Michel Basquiat.
    His family did some digging and eventually had it authenticated by the JMB estate before selling it at Christie’s auction house for an amazing sum of money. I was absolutely blown away when I learned this. My friend and his family were far from wealthy, so to realize they had this unknown treasure just sitting out in the living room for so many years was mind-blowing. © Zuliman / Reddit
  • In my junior year of college, I had a finals week from hell where I had 5 exams in 3 days. Even though I had started studying a week prior, I knew I’d have to sacrifice my grade on one of the exams in order to get A’s on the rest. I was very confident on 4 of them and ended up getting A’s.
    On the fifth, I knew I did terrible. I believe the class was Advanced Corporate Finance. Got an email from my professor, he misplaced my class’s scantron. Our final grade was replaced with the highest of our previous test scores. Ended up with an A. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • One time I was at a bookstore just browsing because I was flat broke. I go out into the parking lot to leave, and I see a $20 bill tumbling down the pavement in the wind. As soon as I snatched it up I saw another one flutter in my general direction, and then another, and another. 80 bucks literally came my way. © slammer592 / Reddit
  • I had unbelievable luck with my teacher at uni. During the exam, she accidentally dozed off right during my answer. I didn’t get confused and began to calmly tell her the recipe of a Caesar salad, which I cooked for Christmas.
    After about 10 minutes she woke up abruptly, looked at me, sighed and said, “Well, it’s a B. You didn’t make it to an A.” I hadn’t even prepared for this exam at all and hoped for a D at most, so I left with a smile and a firm decision to cook more often. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • Applied for a job that was way out of my league and the pay was more than twice what I was making at the time, and included pension, full benefits, all that good stuff. I showed up quite early for the interview, and had some time to kill, so I sat in the lobby reading some industry magazines. One article was about the top 10 threats to this industry, which I made a point of reading and soaking in as much as I could.
    Eventually I get called into the interview, and everything is going okay for the most part. This industry and role are both new to me, and I think it may have shown during the interview as a weak spot, but then I get asked, “What do you see as potential issues within our industry/business.” I was so excited I almost jumped out of the seat, and went off in great detail about everything I had just learned.
    The interviewers were very impressed, and little did they know that had I been asked that exact same question just 30 minutes earlier, I would have had nearly nothing to say. I got the job. © TheDude77 / Reddit
  • In 2007, I got a job in a jewelry shop. Everything was new to me there, and I treated every client with respect, not ignoring them like other girls did, if the clients didn’t look good enough.
    Once a couple came into our jewelry shop. The other girls didn’t turn their heads, but I served them. They were simply dressed, they asked for something inexpensive. They bought earrings.
    They came back the next day. Dressed like models out of a fashion magazine. Bought a ring and the most expensive necklace. I was promoted to the manager after that, and the girls hated me.
    I still work in jewelry and I teach everyone not to judge people by their appearance. I don’t look very good outside of work myself. The girls in one shop once didn’t even want to get off their chairs when I came in. It was a real shame. And I have a box full of their jewelry. © Julietta Steel
  • I put up a vase for sale. No one knew where we got it from. It looks like crystal with a dragonfly on the side. Not really well-made. I put it up for pennies just to get rid of it.
    5 minutes later, I got calls and messages from 40 different people, some of them were ready to buy it right away. And only one girl wrote to me, “You don’t seem to know, but it is crystal, bronze in silver and the price is 25 times higher.” I sincerely hope that the universe will give this girl everything she wants. © Marina Gorbacheva
  • I recalled a story from my childhood. My sister and I were small, I was 11 years old and she was 4. That day we were at our grandmother’s house in the village, sitting in the yard, playing dolls. And suddenly there was a sharp crack, a noise, a roar of the motor.
    Some bloke flew in on a motorcycle, broke through the fence and ran. It’s a miracle he didn’t hit us. I distinctly remember a huge motorcycle riding straight at me. I wasn’t scared then, but now I realize how lucky we were. © Overheard / Ideer
  • I broke down on the side of the highway with no money and a dead phone, when I was 19. I spent all night shivering in my car and wondering what the hell I was going to do. The next morning, a strange man in an orange car pulled over to see what was up.
    I explained, and he shrugged, drove me into town, and gave me 60 bucks for a tow and breakfast. He said he wished he could do more, but he had to be on the road, and wished me luck. I’ll never know who he was, or where he is now, but I’ll remember that guy and his immediate, unquestioning generosity forever. © EarthExile / Reddit

And here's another bunch of stories about people who got incredibly lucky.

Preview photo credit Marina Gorbacheva


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