14 Creative and Comfy Beds That Prove Bedrooms Don’t Have to Be Boring

9 years ago

The chance to lie in a soft, warm and cosy bed is probably the one thing we value the most when the weather’s cold and the sky is grey. Whether it’s reading a book, watching a film, or drinking a cup of tea, life doesn’t really get any more relaxing than when you’re under the covers. And it’s even better when you have the bed of your dreams.

Here are 14 of the most creative and comfiest bed designs we’ve ever seen. You’ll want to stay snuggled up forever! Don’t miss the bonus at the end.

The hamburger bed

Give me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This one actually looks really realistic thanks to all the little details: the pillows are the gherkins and tomato sauce, and the duvet is the slice of cheese!

My Neighbour Totoro

A really cute bed in the shape of a character from the popular animated movie.

The nest bed

Whatever your age, you’ll love this beautiful design!

The space bed

See the stars twinkle above your head for those romantic nights in.

The rocking chair bed

For those who love their rocking chair but want something even more comfortable to relax in.

The bed with the built-in TV

Now you can watch your favourite films or play video games without ever having to get up!

The bed for those who love pizza

Do you want it with mushrooms, or pepperoni?

The bed which hangs from the ceiling



This one’s like a dream come true!

The zip bed

With this one, you can make your bed in no time at all: all you have to do is do up a zip.

The book bed

What to do in this one? Read, of course!

The giant cat bed

Do you want to sit on the cat’s lap?

The roller coaster bed

This twisted bed is so much fun to ride.

The fetal position bed

If you don’t move at all when you sleep, you might like this bed.

Bonus: the liquid bed

Would you like to sleep in a bed like this? It’s a pity this is just a photographer’s fantasy.

Preview photo credit Frank Uyttenhove, Dominic Wilcox


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I want all the beds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I want the hanging bed,the giant cat bed,the space bed and the nest bed all combined !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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