15 People Who Found Mysterious Objects That Turned Out to Have Easy Answers

When moving into a new apartment or inheriting a place from a grandmother, some lucky guys find old things whose purpose is a mystery for them. It’s so great that today we have the internet to find out what a certain peculiar thing is for. Many of these things were used 100 years ago and were totally normal for people at the time.
We at Bright Side decided to look at the finds of people who shared them online and we wanted you to see them too. Anyone who likes history will be impressed.
“Steam radiator. These things are still working!”
“I decided to push the lever down and the front door opened! It seems that the lazy people of the past were great at creating things!”
“I live in an American house that was built in 1874. All the radiators are hidden.”
“It’s on a stand on round legs and the carving is along the perimeter, even on the back. The location is also unusual — in the hall. Of course, it could’ve been moved here.”
“At the end of the 19th century, Gustave Falconnier from Switzerland invented glass bricks. It’s simple: glass is blown into a mold, the hot air cools down, creates a thin atmosphere, which is why glass bricks have good thermal isolation and sound-proof features.”
“The central part was for a bowl of water, so you could wash your face.”
The first General Electric fridges were presented to the public in 1927. It’s hard to believe that there are some of them that are still functioning.
Have you ever found any peculiar old things? Tell us about them in the comment section below!