15 Single Dads Shared All the Highs and Lows They Go Through and Made Us Admire Them Even More

Family & kids
2 years ago

Raising kids is anything but easy, and doing it alone is definitely much harder. 15 devoted and loving dads featured in this article surely know firsthand what it takes to be a single parent. Despite all the hardships and difficulties, they’re doing an amazing job, and we’re grateful they found the time to share their achievements with all of us.

Here at Bright Side, we take our hats off to these incredible single fathers who prove love can conquer anything.

1. “I’ve been a full-time single dad since November, and today I took my girls to get our nails done. It was my first time and I love it!”

2. “Slowly figuring out this single dad thing...”

3. “My son and me on his very first day of school! I plan on having pictures of the same pose and will gift it to him on his graduation day.”

4. “Bought a house for my daughter and me and managed just enough left to get this.”

“As a single dad, being able to work out tonight for the first time in years felt huge.”

5. “Just a heads-up for all you other single dads with daughters with long hair.”

“Using a brush when they still have conditioner in their hair in the shower can help remove tangles and snarls, making brushing and blow-drying easier.”

6. “I’m a single dad. My daughter asked when I’d teach her how to shave her legs. Well, today was the day.”

7. “Had to go to the ER today. My 9-year-old surprised me by making us breakfast. It was the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

8. “Single dad here, this happens a lot.”

9. “Third year as a single dad, first time cooking turkey and stuffing. Came out pretty good!”

10. “Being a single dad is hard. It’s the little things that they remember.”

11. “I’m a single dad who recently figured out flat braids.”

12. “Traveling with 2 toddlers — I think I’ve got snacks figured out.”

13. “Being a single dad finally pays off! Kids got me this for my birthday and it made my day.”

14. “My uncle is a single dad. This is what he came up with when his 3-year-old asked for non-circle pancakes.”

15. “I’m a single dad. Despite the hardship and difficulties, I received this from my daughter. Guess I’m doing something right.”

Which of these photos touched you the most? What do you think is the hardest thing about being a single parent?

Preview photo credit Benzorgz / Reddit


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