17 Chefs Showed Things Restaurant Visitors Had No Idea About
2 years ago
Restaurant visitors rarely think about the people that cook amazing meals. But restaurant kitchens can be quite crazy at times. You can see the other side of restaurants thanks to these photos from cooks that share their impressions about the job.
Bright Side decided to share such photos with you.
1. A cube of frozen croissants
2. “So my cooks had issues with exactly how I wanted the burgers built, so I made this diagram on paint.”
“One of my cooks loved it so much he had it tattooed on his leg.”
3. “Was missing restaurant life, so ate pasta over the sink while standing at home.”
4. “This bread was in the oven for 5 days, I named it Charlie.”
5. “Stay clean, my friends”
6. “Do you guys have banned music in your kitchen?”
7. “Watching my online graduation during prep, hopefully they read my name before service starts.”
8. “I cook expensive meals for 10-11 hours a day, come home and eat these.”

9. There are 2 types of cooks
10. “She uses hot water to defrost food, and then asks why I don’t eat at work.”
11. Why would anyone do this?
12. “I heard you were looking for these.”
13. Someone left the kitchen like this:
14. “Chef cut himself yesterday, had to go to the hospital and take the day off. We set up his station this morning with his safety in mind.”
15. This pot has seen it all.
16. “This will be the reason I quit the restaurant business.”
17. “I felt this photo in my bones, so I had to paint it.”
Have you ever seen a restaurant kitchen? Tell us about your impressions!
Preview photo credit Chripaco / Reddit
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My last pay check was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. ....

I did the bread thing myself. I forgot a cornbread while closing. They found it the next morning. Didn't get fired but I "could have burned the whole store down" 😄

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