That macbook is such a steal! Always great to have an IT guy as your friend so he can help you out when you find one ?
20+ Things That Used to Be Garbage for Some but Became Treasure for Others
Today, it’s trendy to get rid of unnecessary things, and so-called “treasure hunters” gladly use this for their own benefit. These people support the movement known as “dumpster diving.” There’s also a community on the Internet where users share photos of old things that they found in garbage bins and on curbsides along the road. Of course, some people are involved in this because they have no other choice, but there are others who’ve turned these searches into a hobby. We can admit that this activity helps us to care a bit more about ecology since it decreases the level of consumption and expenses for recycling garbage, which makes our planet a bit cleaner.
We at Bright Side were a little confused when we first saw that people were getting rid of gold jewelry, antique furniture, and expensive equipment. But it’s nice to know that there are dumpster divers who don’t let any of these things end up in the junk pile.
“My first find — a ring that I came across in a garbage bin under a bridge”
“Got this side table from the curb. Its top was broken, so I spent a little over 3 hours and $4 worth of rope and glue to upcycle it to this!”
“Yesterday I found a perfectly good, new appliance that had been thrown out. Welcome to your new home, microwave!”
“Found this 14-karat necklace in a thrift store dumpster’s worth almost $400!”
“I’m really happy about this find. I spotted it while dumpster diving a couple of days ago. It’s surprisingly comfortable to sit in.”
“I found a 13” MacBook Pro. It didn’t have any ram or a hard drive but I found some."
“All of this was from a college dorm dumpster!”
“Found this little heart while dumpster diving tonight. It’s marked ’575′ which means 14-karat gold.”
“Some recent jewelry finds, including my first gold”
“’It doesn’t work,’ is my favorite reason for returns. Works perfectly!”
“Curbside finds: 4 boxes of Thomas trains and tracks! A matching train table is in the garage waiting to be scrubbed down tomorrow.”
“Found this while dumpster diving tonight. Everything but the chain strap was marked and tested as 14-karat gold.”
“My roomie and I found this beauty on the side of the road last night! Now she’s happily sitting in my living room!”
“Beautiful table and chairs found thrown in a pile of stuff by the road in a nice neighborhood. Some wood glue, clamps, and $34 worth of fabric later, I have a brand new dining set.”
“A 1970s smoke grey lucite chair — why would anyone throw this away?!”
“These are ivory earrings from the WWII era. Sometimes thrift stores throw out the weirdest things.”
“A university threw it out because of one bad LED in the backlight. I replaced the strip and voila! I have a new TV now.”
“This vintage Curio cabinet was standing by the dumpsters.”
“Found this air hockey table in a construction site dumpster in my neighborhood. I cleaned it up and it works!”
“I found a perfect camera in working condition.”
“Found a book from 1844 during another dumpster dive. Not in the best condition but it’s 176 years old!”
“It’s crazy what people throw away. This vacuum cleaner works perfectly.”
Have you ever come across valuable things in garbage bins? Tell us about it down in the comments!
my mom has this vacuum but it is purple instead of yellow, best vacuum she ever owned, she absolutely loves it and refuses to throw it out

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