10+ True Heroes That Make Our World a Better Place

7 months ago

True heroes don’t always receive medals, and you don’t necessarily hear about them in the news. But they live among us and they are always ready to help and sometimes even risk their own lives for us.

Bright Side tells you about 25 heroes who’ve done good things and don’t expect a reward even though they really deserve it.

A firefighter in Oregon after a 32-hour shift. The photographer says that the man sat down and within seconds was asleep.

A helping paw: This dog helps this man get to work by pushing his wheelchair.

“Every year, this kind old man in my home town offers clothing, shoes, and anything useful to people in need.”

“He saved me from an abusive ex a few years back, I tell him he is a good boy every day.”

“Statue of my cousin who drowned while successfully saving another person in Newport Beach. This is the photo his dad sent my dad after the unveiling.”

“This little kid named Guy saves up his allowance to buy much-needed supplies for my local Humane Society. Here he is with the manager and his latest donation. He recently helped fund a life-saving surgery for one of their rescued dogs.”

“My dad and my little brother saving dogs from the rising flood waters”

My son said there’s some kids in his class that don’t eat their lunch. “How come?” I said. “Cuz they don’t have one, mommy. Can I bring them some of mine?” Totally his idea, and he helped pack it, too!

“One of our local firemen calmed a kid down by showing him Happy Feet on his phone.”

“My mom smiling after saving 40 kids from a burning school bus”

Frida saved more than 50 people after the earthquakes in Mexico, Ecuador, and Guatemala.

Which of these stories seemed the most moving to you? Have you ever witnessed situations where people showed an example of bravery and courage? Tell us in the comment section below.

Preview photo credit twoeggz


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