A Mom Allows Kids to Sleep When They’re Naturally Tired, “My Kids Sleep Between 9 PM and 1 AM”

Family & kids
10 months ago

A mother of three does not follow a consistent bedtime routine for her children. Her kid’s sleep schedules vary, with bedtime ranging from 9 pm to 1 am, and she believes they enjoy this flexibility.

Nic Bescoby, a mom of 3, identifies herself as a “night owl” and chooses not to enforce bedtimes for her children, allowing them to sleep whenever they feel tired. While she acknowledges the ease of a 7 pm bedtime routine, she desired to eliminate the element of control and force from their family evenings, leading the children to adapt to their circadian rhythms naturally.

Nic, who homeschools her children, expresses a non-judgmental attitude towards parents who enforce strict bedtimes to have some child-free hours in the evening. However, she has found that adopting a more relaxed approach works best for her own family.

“I know so many families who thrive best with more structure. That is simply not the case for me. My kids go to bed late. They wake up late. And that’s ok,” she said.

At first, her eldest son faced challenges adjusting to the new relaxed evening routine and experienced difficulty falling asleep. However, Nic took the opportunity to educate him about recognizing his own sleep cues and taught him about the consequences of staying up too late and not getting enough sleep.

Nic clarified that she hasn’t simply withdrawn from parenting her children but rather eliminated strict control and force from their routine. As a result, she has noticed her children flourishing and now taking charge of their own sleep and wake times.

In the morning, Nic and her three children wake up at different times, depending on the day’s schedule. She appreciated the freedom and autonomy that her no-bedtime rule brought to the entire family.

However, Nic does enforce one rule by prohibiting screens, as she observed that excessive screen time hindered their ability to recognize their body’s signals of sleepiness. Instead, the children turn off their screens when they feel tired and engage in activities such as play and reading until they are naturally ready to fall asleep.


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