An 18-Year-Old Guy Refuses to Give Up His Stuffed Toy, and His Girlfriend’s Reaction Leaves Him Speechless

8 months ago

Some people have difficulty letting go of their childhood memories, especially when attached to a particular object. That’s the case for an 18-year-old guy who shared his story of when his girlfriend learned about his habit and her reaction to it.

"I am 18 years old and still sleep with my stuffed shark every night. My girlfriend (also 18 y.o.) didn’t find out until I fell sick and had to skip classes. She came to check up on me and saw me go to bed with a stuffed animal.

She freaked out, saying it was not masculine and I shouldn’t sleep with my stuffed toy anymore. My girlfriend said it’s embarrassing. She waited until I was asleep and took the thing from me. When I woke up, I told her she was controlling, and she got really upset. Did I do the wrong thing?"

The post got over 3.6k comments, and here are some of them:

  • How is wrapping your arms around a pillow to sleep any different than a stuffed animal? Stuffed animals are just fun-shaped pillows. ThotsforTaterTots / Reddit
  • I’m 43 and still have my childhood “blankie” and stuffed animals. My parents eventually started cleaning out our [my two older brothers’ and mine] bedrooms, so we had to decide what to take or throw away. Obviously, my parents would never throw these special items away. CyrusBuelton / Reddit
  • I’m 46, and my dad bought me a build a bear 2 years ago. No one is ever too old to sleep with a stuffed animal. After I lost my fur baby, my parents bought me a stuffed animal to sleep with. That’s because my fur baby always slept next to me. She loved to be cuddled at night. No_Entertainment670 / Reddit
  • My husband is in his 40s, he looks like a “manly man” type, being unusually tall with a naturally muscular frame, big beard, and tattoos, enjoys working on cars, designs and maintains machinery for a living... And in his bed is a stuffed bear that our daughter bought him when she was 5 years old. It wears a shirt that says “I love you” with a picture of a rainbow & smiling cloud. He travels a lot for work, and every time for the past 5 years, he takes the bear with him and takes pictures for her of the bear eating at the hotel, hanging out at the pool, “resting” on the bed, or riding in the passenger seat of the rental car. She gets excited when he travels and even gets the bear a mini backpack to keep his ’stuff’ in. Being a man and stuffed animals have literally nothing to do with each other! madeupsomeone / Reddit
  • 39, and I have a stuffed highland cow. Before that, it was a lime-green sloth. Tough_Crazy_8362 / Reddit

In many cases, partners fight over a minor thing, and the reasons for fights are not minor. Like here, for example.


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