My Boyfriend Doesn’t Let Me Go to the Gym Because of My Clothes

4 months ago

A healthy relationship thrives on trust and respect, but when jealousy crosses a line, it gets complicated. This is the situation facing one reader, whose boyfriend’s possessiveness has escalated to controlling her gym clothes. Let’s dive into her story and explore ways to help her out in this tricky situation.

One of our readers sent us a message.

Thank you for sending us a message! We understand how frustrating it might be for you. We’d like to give you some tips that might help you resolve the situation.

Talk to him.

Reassure him that you go to the gym to be healthy, not to get attention. You wear comfortable clothes like leggings and a top because they allow you to move freely. Explain that men at the gym are likely there to focus on their own workouts, not to objectify women. Instead of worrying about how others perceive you, the focus should be on your health and fitness goals.

You’re not a child.

No one, let alone your boyfriend, can forbid you from doing anything. You’re an adult, and you have the right to wear clothes that make you feel comfortable while exercising. Explain that a little jealousy is normal, but controlling your behavior is not healthy for your relationship. Don’t let his insecurities dictate your choices or limit your health goals.

Reach a compromise.

If he’s genuinely worried about revealing clothes, offer to find a compromise outfit that’s comfortable and allows for movement while still addressing his concerns (e.g., looser-fitting leggings or a longer top). Take your boyfriend with you when you shop for new workout clothes. This way, he can see the variety of options available and understand the functionality of different types of clothing.

See if there are deeper issues.

Sometimes, excessive jealousy can stem from deeper insecurities your boyfriend might be harboring. Encourage him to explore the root cause of his anxieties.

Does he have a history of being cheated on? Does he struggle with low self-esteem? Understanding the root of the problem can be the first step towards addressing it. He might benefit from individual therapy to work through these issues.

Our reader shares her experience of catcalling while on a walk with her teenage daughter and husband. But the story takes a surprising turn: her husband dismisses the harassment, leaving her feeling frustrated and unheard. Let’s explore this situation and see how we can create safer public spaces for everyone.

Preview photo credit 84vn / Pixabay


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