The heroes of this article are indeed lucky. They are enveloped by the love of those who really care about them. In this article, we'll talk not only about romantic feelings, but also about the warmth and support that we receive from those close to us. And it doesn't matter that we sometimes have to worry about them or overcome some difficulties.
With the help of colorful advertising, manufacturers manage to sell us absolutely useless things. We diligently search for these items on the supermarket shelves, spend a lot of money on them, recommend them to our friends and family, and then we are disappointed to find out that they are totally useless. Or that they work quite well, but are very overpriced.
These products don’t just talk the talk; they walk the walk, proving that cool stuff can be both affordable and top-notch. Honestly, we’d pay even more than they cost. Here they are, ready for grabs. And to top that off, we decided to fully analyze them to make your choice even easier!
Vacation has come. Happy, you rush home, put on your best suit, and go to the friend’s place. It’s a big country house. You pass through a wide gate decorated with lights. Music is coming from inside.
Your cat lady friend has asked you to cat-sit her loves while she’s away for the weekend. You arrive at the house and open the fridge to feed them something healthy like chicken. You notice a bar of chocolate and decide to give it to them as a treat. Wow! That’s a siren! Your friend calls you and yells at you. Turns out she has an alarm system that goes off when there’s any danger to her kitties. You should never ever feed them chocolate!
The durian fruit stinks so bad that it was banned. It is not welcome on airplanes, hotels, or mass transit in some cities in Southeast Asia. People say that it can smell like Limburger cheese, but the taste is like banana-lemon custard. We are still on the fence about whether or not you should try the real durian. But for now, you can check out this fruit in the form of candy, among other quite interesting things that each foodie should try at least once!
Iskra Lawrence, a renowned model and body positivity activist, has been making waves with her empowering messages about self-love and body acceptance. In her latest interviews, she reveals how she used to struggle with body image issues for years. Her story has become relatable to millions of people who’ve had similar struggles, and her message of self-acceptance has inspired many to find beauty in their unique features.
If you’re constantly giving and giving to others without taking a moment to treat yourself, it’s time to change that. We all have that one person who deserves to be spoiled with love, affection, and presents, and that person is you. That’s right, it’s time to shower yourself with some much-needed self-care and pampering. Indulge in some well-deserved self-love, you won’t regret it.
This is the right way to use a hairbrush. Don’t use it horizontally. Hold it in a vertical position. The bristles are lined up vertically. If you hold the comb horizontally, then these bristles begin to bend. You can check it yourself and feel how convenient it is this way.
Up for a guessing game? It’s gonna be pretty simple: I’ll be giving you the name of some food, and you must guess what it is! This might seem easy, but the farther you get, the tougher the questions are! Let’s start!
If you’re as watchful as I am, you’ve probably noticed those zigzag patterns on the edges of some packages, like bags of chips or chocolate bars. It’s clear that they’re there to make it easier for you to tear the plastic. But WHY does it tear so easily?
The easiest but most effective method to get rid of odors involves the use of a cotton ball and some essential oils. Put a cotton ball, soaked in essential oil, in your trashcan under the garbage bag. This trick will help keep a nice smell in and around the trash bag. Tea tree essential oils, for example, not only smell nice — they also fight bacteria. The products below will help you with a lot of other pesky problems at home.
You’re trying on a pair of jeans, a dress, or a jacket and are about to dig your hand into the pocket when... you realize there’s no depth to it! The pocket is simply not there! But why would anyone create pockets you can’t put anything in?
Food items like chips come with about 43% nitrogen inside their package. It might seem they sell you half a bag of air, but it’s exactly the opposite: oxygen, the gas we breathe, would react with the chips inside the bag and make them go rancid quickly. It’s called ‘oxidizing’ for a reason.
Always choose wisely when ordering meat at a restaurant. Especially when it comes to the ground meat most of us have in burgers. Why? When the piece is ground to reach the desired consistency, harmful elements from the surface of the meat can get inside. And it can potentially render the dish unsafe to eat.
Many studies proved that interactions with dogs cause the release of a hormone called the “cuddle chemical.” It’s no secret that having a dog makes everything feel better. Dogs give us safety and the feeling that life is greater and more complete. We all enjoy seeing and hearing about dogs, so when Ursula, the “mom” of 2 goldens, published a picture of her dog trying to steal chips, everyone went crazy for him.
The internet is full of lifehacks that promise to make your day go smoothly. These little tricks help us save money, resources, and most importantly, time. You’ve come to the right place to make your day more efficient and less overwhelming. Here are a few life hacks that will change your perspective on getting things done.
At first, the term life hacks was used to describe things used only by IT professionals to make their work easier and much faster. Today, the definition has expanded to include magnificent tricks and methods that can increase productivity and efficiency in almost all walks of life. They’ve simply become clever tips, techniques, and shortcuts that make little everyday tasks much easier and allow us to improvise solutions to our most common problems with less effort.
There are times when we cling to particular habits, not thinking about the possibility that there may be other, potentially easier, ways to achieve the same result, or even better. Little-known life hacks are perfect for changing this way of thinking, and best of all, they are so common that we can apply them in our day-to-day lives and save ourselves a lot of time.
We may consume bread, eggs, bananas, and milk every day, but still, we forget about recommended portions we need to have. While trying to get more vitamins and minerals, we may overdose and harm our health even more.
Some of the greatest things in the world were discovered accidentally — like penicillin, superglue, and x-ray. Experimenting is a great way to gain knowledge — and these Reddit users know this better than anybody else. Thanks to them we now know what happens to a package of chips if it’s microwaved, if we use the same coffee spoon for 45 years, or if we go swimming in an outdoor pool at −40°C.
Imagine opening a bag of chips and finding a whole potato in it or coming across a street where the colors of the buildings match the trees in front of them by pure coincidence. As rare as it sounds, some lucky people were able to spot these unusual occurrences and share them with the world.
After we wake up in the morning, the first thing many of us do is down a cup of coffee. But as it turns out, we’ve been doing this wrong the whole time. And believe it or not, there are even more everyday habits that need correcting, according to experts. Let’s have a look at what they are.
You know things will turn awry when you wake up, planning on having a great day, and suddenly bump your small toe into the corner of the bed. That’s infuriating alright, but there’s something even worse: finding a full bag of chips that’s been kept open for days, just laying there on the kitchen countertop. And even worse than that, finding traces of jam in the peanut butter. These things, despite being “not that big a deal” actually remain annoying for a long time. Just thinking about them is enough to make you want to pull your hair out.
Nothing good comes from wasting food, so it’s important to keep the food you have last as long as possible. Sometimes, all it takes is knowing how to store them properly. And it can oftentimes lead to something delicious — after all, sushi was invented as a way to keep fish edible for longer.
Many of us keep things from our childhood. Even the most cynical people can’t bring themselves to throw them away. And sometimes, when we do the cleaning, we come across these messages from the past. We all have our own things: stickers, chips, our first cell phone, or photos where we were younger than we are now. And all of these things are equally valuable and wonderful.
There are several tricks that can help us save our time and effort and keep food fresh for longer. And this article is just about these hacks. We bet everyone likes tips that teach us to heat food evenly in a microwave, store glass bottles in a way that they don’t take up too much space, and peel things quickly.
If seeing an XXL burger makes you scream, “Challenge accepted!” and your birthday is nothing without a freebie sundae, keep scrolling. Get ready to fill your Instagram feed with delicious free dishes from all around the world. There are plenty of places ready to serve you free stuff.
All of us have gone through our Keto days, or worse, binge eating phases after we were done starving ourselves. However, for Amanda Meixner, a nutrition blogger, that’s not the way to healthy eating. She came up with a weight loss regimen that consists of swapping processed, calorie-dense foods with whole, natural foods.
We all love food, but we often underestimate how food can change over time and across cultures. After all, chocolate was mostly used to make a bitter drink with chili peppers in Central America long before somebody had the idea of adding sugar to it. One man’s junk food can also be another man’s medicine. Did you know cough drops are sold as candy in some countries? In other words, an ordinary dish can be taken to a whole new level in different countries.
We all know that huge amounts of sweets and pastries can cause obesity. And that’s not the only ill effect that our favorite products can have on our body. It turns out that some ordinary foods that we treat as healthy can actually be harmful to our body.
We at Bright Side have been busy looking for the best tips and tricks to simplify and improve your everyday life. Here’s an awesome list of 20 life hacks that will teach you how to quickly dry your clothes, make your shoes waterproof, amplify your phone’s speakers, and much more!