We all have quirks, habits, and ways of thinking that make us who we are. Maybe you’ve always been the “overthinker” in your friend group or the one who struggles with motivation. It’s easy to chalk these things up to personality, but what if they’re actually signs of an underlying mental health issue?
In 10 years from now, you’ll be a completely different person! Well, at least your skeleton will be. To reach its adult size, your skeleton went through a process called modeling, which means the development of growth and formation. Turns out it regenerates completely once every 10 years or so! This entire process ensures you always have healthy bone cells, that can support you and provide calcium to your body.
Optical illusions can deceive us, conjuring images that are mere figments of our imagination. Remarkably, our ingenious brains fill in the gaps, effortlessly unraveling the enigmas surrounding us. This remarkable ability not only astounds but also triggers the release of dopamine, the gratifying hormone that fuels our motivation, satisfaction, and overall well-being.
Love is an open door! All you need is love! Can’t help falling in love with you! I bet you’ve all heard these songs before! The main idea behind them is the same; it’s that love is the greatest feeling of them all — even though sometimes it might break your heart. But you know what? Love has actually nothing to do with the heart but everything to do with the brain! So, join me as I explore the science behind this feeling which makes people write songs, paint masterpieces, and do all sorts of crazy things!
Shopping is a great form of therapy. Even before our purchase is made, we experience an emotional lift because dopamine is released in that exact instant. Some people think that this happens only after we get our “reward,” but it turns out it’s about the whole journey.So, let’s take the matter into our own hands and make sure to invite joy into our lives as much as possible with an excellent shopping spree. Check out these cool discounted products that will impress you quite a bit.
When people feel “in love” their dopamine levels increase so much that it almost feels like an otherworldly experience. Especially when the feeling is mutual — they feel like they are on top of the world and no one can reach them. However, sometimes it could just be lust or infatuation that doesn’t actually evolve into love, but instead fades away. Knowing what differentiates these 2 feelings will save you and the other person from heartbreak.
Whenever you do something out of pure love and kindness for someone you don’t know, it’s not only giving you and this newfound friend a sense of gratitude and a lighthearted feeling. It actually has a positive effect on your brain health, bringing in a healthy change with a boost in happy hormones, like serotonin and dopamine.
It turns out that the emotion of surprise works on the dopamine system in our brains, helping us to direct our attention and giving us the tools to look at situations in new ways. The people below definitely had a dopamine explosion in their brains, judging by the curveballs the universe gave them.Bright Side wants to show you 15 people that had a surprise so vibrant that their day made a 180-degree turn.
Binge eating disorder (BED) is something that affects 2% of the population worldwide. Most people who suffer from it will go on food binges for a couple of hours at a time without thinking about the consequences. It’s not just about eating as much as possible, but for many who suffer from it, it involves covering up deeper psychological issues. It’s a defense mechanism that can create an array of other problems.
During school years, many of us got an opinion that A students are boring people and nerds. But that’s just a stereotype. Many of those who are really keen on science are talented and cool guys. They can express their love for learning about the world through art. For example, they can make a tattoo in the shape of a molecule, assemble a dopamine lighter or synthesize human insulin into a necklace.
Love at first sight can be described in different ways. Some therapists describe it as an electric-type of feeling, while for others, it is a moment of connection where nothing else matters around you. And the reason for those warm feelings is that your brain is creating dopamine and serotonin. This is why you experience an instant attachment to someone the moment your eyes meet.
If done regularly, solving visual riddles can improve your spatial reasoning skills. But that’s not all. As we successfully solve a puzzle, dopamine, a chemical that regulates memory, mood, and concentration, is released, thus enhancing our mood.
The “baby schema” effect says a release of the chemicals dopamine and oxytocin is triggered in the brain when humans look at puppies. The same concoction of chemicals is released when we look at babies and when we fall in love. Well, we’re not limiting ourselves to these categories of images, but we got our brains brewing and think we have the perfect combination of feel-good pictures to boost your mood and give you a reason to smile. Bright Side presents 15 people that managed to make a slightly above-average day into an unforgettable one.
More often than not, couples may hit their peak by going through the motions, like family obligations, health problems, and money issues. This can make you question where the spark in the relationship went, but retail therapy may help get your bond back.
An American survey found that approximately 34% of people claim to have experienced love at first sight. It is universally known that love is the deepest emotion we can feel that requires both compassion and affection. As a result, it is crucial for us to know whether our partner we have invested time in is in love with us. As Bright Side strives to spread love throughout its audience, we decided to share these psychological tips on how to tell if your partner really loves you.
A life full of surprises can be good, according to science. That’s because unexpected events aid in our learning and memory skills, and pleasant surprises trigger our dopamine (also known as “the happy hormone”). Luckily, the world is full of rare gems that are just waiting to astonish us. And stumbling upon them when we least expect it can spark joy and turn any ordinary day into a special one.
According to a study, being surprised activates the pleasure centers in our brain and provides us with a nice shot of dopamine. And even though some unexpected sights might be unsettling at first, they will soon transform into a pleasant source of distraction. Because, after all, it’s those surprising moments that turn into the most interesting memories that stay with us for years to come.
We have a lot of expressions for our emotions — we’re hot-headed when we’re angry, we have a heavy heart when we’re sad, and sometimes we feel like bursting with joy. It turns out that there’s a scientific explanation behind all these phrases, and it has something to do with our feelings targeting certain parts of the body.
Solving riddles or puzzles is the best workout for our brain — it keeps us on our toes and also triggers our happy hormones. Bright Side is here to help you get that extra dopamine kick, so we challenge you to flex those mental muscles and crack these 15 brain twisters.
Studies say that working on puzzles can make your brain feel 10 years younger. Much like your body and muscles, your brain needs exercise too. Plus, when you solve a riddle, successfully that is, the eureka moment flushes your brain with dopamine and makes you more alert. So if your work is lagging and your brain feels like mush, solving riddles is the way to go. Bright Side made 20 trick riddles for you to answer that will likely increase your productivity and make you giggle along the way.
It usually starts innocently enough — we watch a series recommended by a friend or one that is trending on social media. But before we know it, we’ve already fallen into the trap of binge-watching, clicking on “next episode,” credits after credits.
Pregnancy and childbirth bring about a lot of physical and psychological changes in the new mother’s body, but it turns out that men can experience a wide spectrum of bodily and mental changes when becoming dads too. A hormonal and emotional roller coaster, a strong affection for the new baby, anxiety, and depression, and even pregnancy symptoms — it may sound unbelievable, but this is what many men go through when their kids are born.
We touch our phones an average of 2,617 times per day. You can deny or admit an addiction, but the role this device plays in our life is huge. Still, it’s interesting to think about what it would be like if one day we woke up without it. Maybe our days could change for the better — or maybe not.
Kissing someone you love doesn’t just make you and your partner feel good and strengthen your bond. Turns out, it has a lot of health benefits. For example, you might not feel in the mood to kiss your loved one when you have a headache, but that’s exactly what can help you get rid of it!
There are many curious changes that happen to a new mom’s body after giving birth. Their hair color and texture might become different, foods that they once loved might suddenly start to taste disgusting, and there’s even such a thing as “phantom kicks,” which is when it feels like a baby is kicking inside your belly even though it’s not there anymore. And along with the body, the mind undergoes some changes too.
If you’ve ever had your brightest eureka moments while taking a shower, you’re not alone. There’s even a Reddit community where people share their most insightful shower thoughts.
Scientists discovered that most mammals are actually genetically more similar to their fathers. Many of us generally assume that children get approximately half of their DNA from their mom and half from their dad, but as it turns out, a father’s genes are more dominant. Despite the fact that genes from both sides are equally present in the child, they might act differently, creating an imbalance.
Cuddling doesn’t just show your ability to sympathize, it also lowers your level of stress hormones, some researchers say. Besides, if your cholesterol is high, hugging helps to balance it. But there is one more thing. It can actually be addictive.
The beach can be very beneficial to us, emotionally and physically. It’s the best cure for when we feel angry, anxious, or stressed. Apart from making our overall mental health better, it can also treat skin conditions and even help us burn a few calories.
If you’re just realizing you spent 30 minutes looking at pictures of baby animals, just know it’s totally normal. We’re so drawn to precious creatures that just by looking at them, our brain releases dopamine, the same chemical you produce when you fall in love. You could even say it’s a bit addictive. So let us feed your addiction to these cute, cuddly animals right away!
Sugar tastes good, and everything that contains it tastes even better! The sweet crystalline carbohydrate seems to be everywhere. Most of us love to dwell on the unforgettable taste of our favorite desserts when we’re hungry. However, what might seem to be an innocent pleasure is actually the reason for many complicated health issues when we consume it in large amounts. Today, sugar is hard to avoid but many of us don’t even realize how addicted to it we actually are.
Over the years, scientists have uncovered many of the human brain’s mysteries and shortcomings that were securely hidden in our psyche. Today, Bright Side invites you on a journey inside your own head to find out what makes your consciousness work.
Bananas are the food that makes yummy meet healthy. The vitamins and helpful compounds within them are always guarding our body. Bright Side has prepared a list of 10 useful properties of this tropical fruit, and almost all of them depend on the ripeness of a banana. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat some and choose others instead — it’s just that the correct grade of ripeness can have a better effect on your health.