
What Happened to Kanye West; Revealing Intriguing Facts About the Musical Maverick

What Happened to Kanye West; Revealing Intriguing Facts About the Musical Maverick
year ago

Kanye West, once a shining star in the constellation of music and fashion, has experienced a meteoric rise and an equally dramatic fall. His journey from soulful producer to global icon is a tale of triumph and controversy. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the captivating saga of Kanye West, exploring the pivotal moments that shaped his career and life. What happened to Kanye West?

MrBeast’s Net Worth: Rise of YouTube Star Who Gives Away Millions of Dollars to Strangers

MrBeast’s Net Worth: Rise of YouTube Star Who Gives Away Millions of Dollars to Strangers
year ago

Meet Jimmy Donaldson, aka MrBeast, the 25-year-old YouTube sensation. He’s not just another content creator, he’s one of the most-watched and highest-earning folks on the platform. In his early days, Donaldson gained widespread attention with viral videos that involved undertaking remarkable challenges, such as reading the entire dictionary or counting from zero to 100,000 continuously for 40 hours. But here’s the cool part — lately, he’s become the philanthropy king of YouTube. A notable example is a video in which he “cures” the blindness of 1,000 people by covering the expenses for their eye surgeries. Thanks to his daring challenges and generous giveaways, MrBeast has successfully amassed a staggering 234 million subscribers on his channel, making him the most subscribed creator in the history of YouTube.

13 Accessories That Will Be a Perfect Addition to Your Gardening

13 Accessories That Will Be a Perfect Addition to Your Gardening
year ago

Have you ever wondered why people love plants so much? Maybe it’s because we are free to show our love and emotions without any possible judgment. And while you might think that it’s hard caring for them, it’s actually pretty easy once you have the right devices. And we’ve gathered 12 tools that will definitely assist you in your efforts.

20+ Shocking Finds People Had to Share With the Internet

20+ Shocking Finds People Had to Share With the Internet
year ago

From polished rocks to sparkling jewels, from old artifacts to rare shells — many fascinating things can be found on the beach. And there are people who enjoy both walking on the shore and picking up or snapping pictures of something unique. In the bonus section, we’ve prepared amazing things that Internet users have found in the most unexpected places.

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It

A Giant Asteroid Is Flying to Earth, and You’ll See It
year ago

The sun is rising, lighting up the trees, swamps, and massive plants of the Yucatán Peninsula. It’s 66 million years before today — the last days of the Mesozoic era. This peaceful world doesn’t know yet that a rock the size of a mountain is nearing Earth at a speed of more than 40,000 mph [(64,000 kph)]. It looks like a fireball that’s growing larger and larger with every passing minute. Soon, it already seems to be bigger than the Sun. Dinos, roaming the prehistoric Earth, don’t know that they have to run, hide, save themselves! Not that it’s going to help.

First Photos of Pluto, and We Found a Whale

First Photos of Pluto, and We Found a Whale
year ago

Frozen plains, mountains with white peaks glistening in the distant sun, and rustic red...snow? Welcome to Pluto, where nothing makes sense anymore... Looking at it from a distance, the ice-ball planet is mostly predictable wintery shades of white and light blue. Once you land on the surface, you’ll notice familiar blue skies as well.But see that whale-shaped red stain running along the equator? Right there to the left of the white heart-shaped region. Thar she blows! This spot is bigger than Alaska, and it’s a mystery to scientists. That’s not red clay soil or anything you’ll see on Earth. That’s Pluto’s version of ice!

If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives

If Earth Collided With Mars, Which Planet Survives
year ago

Millions of people around the world go out on the streets and rooftops to look at the amazing cosmic phenomenon. Another planet... right next to the Moon! A big red one. At first, everyone’s excited. Mars showing up out of nowhere is having a strange effect on humanity.Just as the moon can affect the psychological and physical state of some people, Mars’s unexpected visit is causing people to behave pretty strangely. Every night, the sky is lit up by the white light of the Moon and the red glow of Mars.Many people get a sort of instant insomnia. Some even stop drinking coffee because they no longer feel sleepy. Mars brings out the energy and a little wildness in people, makes them laugh more, and even drives a few poor people crazy. They begin to go out of their houses more often and enjoy the unusual night sky.

Scientists Drained Niagara Falls in 1969 And Made an Amazing Discovery

Scientists Drained Niagara Falls in 1969 And Made an Amazing Discovery
year ago

If you could get into the time machine and travel back to 1969, you’d see something spectacular! What you’re looking at isn’t some random desert. It’s one of the most powerful waterfalls — completely dry! In the summer and fall of 1969, the American side of Niagara Falls stayed without water. It lasted 6 months. Researchers wanted to study the rock face of the falls. They were afraid it was going to become too unstable because of erosion. Erosion is the process when natural forces, such as water and wind, wear away earthen materials. For example, if you see glacial ice become muddy, it means erosion is happening.

What If We Lived Inside Saturn’s Rings

What If We Lived Inside Saturn’s Rings
year ago

Let’s pretend that humanity faces a huge threat from outer space. We’ll imagine that a giant planet-eating octopus comes to our solar system to eat Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, and other planets, except Saturn. Therefore, people decide to move to the big planet with giant rings. Fortunately, they already have cool technologies that allow them to make such trips. So, we quickly get into giant ships, take off, and fly to Saturn. Life on the planet itself is impossible because it has no solid ground. The ship won’t be able to land there. This is a giant gas ball that is 9 times wider than Earth.

When Magma Doesn’t End: The Most Dangerous Type of Eruption

When Magma Doesn’t End: The Most Dangerous Type of Eruption
year ago

Massive tsunamis, destructive tornadoes, giant meteorites, devastating earthquakes. Ooh, better have insurance. But all these are minor natural disasters compared with the eruption of a volcano. Some volcanoes can destroy a city, as it was with Pompeii. Or some islands in the Pacific Ocean. But there’s a dangerous type of eruption that can destroy all life on the planet. This type is called “flood basalt.”

Life Could Be Hiding on Four Moons of Uranus

Life Could Be Hiding on Four Moons of Uranus
year ago

Aaah, well-deserved vacay, finally! This time you’re off to see something new, it’s an ocean on one of the Uranus’ moons! Alright, just kidding — this destination is not a vacation spot yet. But yeah, there are definitely some impressive oceans out there. Hey, don’t say you thought oceans can only be found on Earth!

Flying Dinosaurs Survived, Here’s Where They Are Gone

Flying Dinosaurs Survived, Here’s Where They Are Gone
year ago

Big herds of dinosaurs run through the forest. The temperature rises rapidly, and everything behind them begins to ignite. Some dinosaurs get stuck in swamps and can’t get out. Pterodactyls fly over their heads as they try to avoid the blast wave that will soon cover the Earth. This event happened about 66 million years ago. It wiped out almost every living thing on Earth. Birds and flying dinosaurs were just about the only ones who could survive the most massive extinction event ever. Hey don’t blame me. I wasn’t around then.

One Misconception About Each Planet in the Solar System

One Misconception About Each Planet in the Solar System
year ago

Mercury gets a bad rap for always being hot, but that’s not entirely true. The planet’s got no atmosphere, so its temperature swings are wild. When it’s facing the Sun, it can get up to a blistering 800°F, but when it’s turned away, it drops to a frigid −290°F. The reason for this is that Earth has a cozy atmosphere that keeps our temps in check. Mercury doesn’t have that luxury, so it’s at the mercy of the Sun’s rays. But despite all that, Mercury’s still worth checking out. It’s close to the Sun, which makes it a prime spot for studying how solar radiation affects planets. And even though it’s not exactly hospitable to life, there are still plenty of mysteries to unravel.

What If Earth Started Orbiting a Black Hole

What If Earth Started Orbiting a Black Hole
year ago

Our Sun. Something strange just happened now. Every TV channel, the news, they’re all talking about a black hole that came closer to us — on the spot where our Sun used to be! You can even see an accretion disk, and the background of the sky looks kinda distorted, which means it got really close.Normally, black holes are so far away that we can’t see them with the unaided eye. You can’t even see them with a telescope directly! What is it doing here, so close? Where is the Sun? Did the black hole swallow it?

This Thing Reveals the Inner World of Pyramids

This Thing Reveals the Inner World of Pyramids
year ago

X-rays are a type of invisible radiation that can pass through our bodies and objects. They’re very important in the field of medicine because they allow doctors to see inside our bodies without having to perform surgery. Now, let’s dive into how X-rays work! They are a kind of electromagnetic radiation, just like light or radio waves. However, they have much higher energy than light, which makes them able to go through objects that light cannot. Imagine you have a powerful flashlight. If you try to shine it through a wall, the light won’t go through because the wall is too thick. But these rays have enough energy to go through walls and even our bodies!

A Billion Years Disappeared: What Happened in the Grand Canyon?

A Billion Years Disappeared: What Happened in the Grand Canyon?
year ago

Well here’s a mystery. You’ve surely heard of the Grand Canyon by now. But not of its most hidden secret. Let me explain: The Grand Canyon is like a history book of the Earth, where you can travel back in time just by looking at the rock layers. But here’s the mystery: one billion years’ worth of rocks has vanished without a trace! It’s called the “Great Unconformity” and it has baffled scientists for over 150 years.

A New Mystery on Neptune Even NASA Can’t Explain

A New Mystery on Neptune Even NASA Can’t Explain
year ago

Way back in the Victorian Era, a strange celestial body appears to have popped up in our solar system. Was it an asteroid? Or maybe a comet? It took us until October 2017 to notice it and to start studying it closely. It was named Oumuamua [Oh-moo-ah moo-ah] — which is Hawaiian for “scout”. Not only is its shape extremely unusual — highly elongated and narrow — but it’s also speeding so fast that it appears the Sun’s gravity doesn’t affect it so much.

Mysterious Doll Found in 1889 Baffles Scientists to This Day

Mysterious Doll Found in 1889 Baffles Scientists to This Day
year ago

You know, it’s kinda funny how one little mystery that can change our whole idea of human evolution makes this little clay doll so unique. This is one of the world’s most important and impressive archaeological finds. And here’s why.There’s an area called Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument — it’s close to the small town of Nampa in southwestern Idaho. This US National Natural Landmark has the most extensive collection of fossils of ancient plants and animals that lived in North America before the Ice Age. For example, paleontologists have recently found the remains of an ancient horse that ran across green meadows about 10,000 years ago.

These People Just Couldn’t Resist Sharing Their Insane Finds

These People Just Couldn’t Resist Sharing Their Insane Finds
year ago

Look at this awesome plow one Reddit user found in the middle of a forest! They said it was about 12 ft tall and 30 ft long. It was most likely used to pull ditches in local swamps.This user found a pretty cute WALL-E made from old car parts and scrap metal just outside his mechanic’s shop. Do you think the poor robot got there because it needed some repair?Is this rock... hiding inside the other? One person found this unusual couple on a beach. Is this where baby rocks come from? Well, if we look at it from the scientific point of view, the process that created these rocks is called concretion. Or, in other words, mineralization of some substance inside a hollow rock of different nature.

What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You?

What Would Happen to Your Body If 1000 Mosquitoes Bite You?
year ago

So Barry is running along the shore of the lake as fast as possible. He knows that if he stops, his life will turn into a nightmare in no time. 1,000 mosquitoes are about to bite him! But what he doesn’t know is that he’ll be okay after all. So, don’t be afraid, Barry, and stop! Mosquitoes are slow; they fly at a little more than 1 mph. And you can’t run forever. So, after a couple of hours of pointless running, Barry stops. He sweats and emits a smell attractive to insects. One little mosquito flies up to him. It buzzes next to his ear, sits on his sweaty neck, and bites. The insect pierces the skin with a special mouth apparatus called a proboscis. The mosquito starts pumping blood through this needle. Its saliva gets into Barry’s body and causes an allergic reaction. More precisely, it’s Barry’s immune system that starts this reaction. It perceives the mosquito’s saliva as an enemy and sends a unique chemical substance to the bite site.

No One Knows What’s Behind This Strange Ancient Door

No One Knows What’s Behind This Strange Ancient Door
2 years ago

Now, how about some surreal hidden places to check out? Grab a flashlight and your backpack... and bon voyage! The trip starts in the mountainous country of Switzerland. You travel to the town of Waltensburg in the eastern part of the country. It’s raining, and it’s very cold, but you still make your way to the bottom part of a mountain, where your first adventure awaits. After climbing high up in the mountains, you see a strangely shaped castle. To get there, you must walk up an extremely narrow pathway. “Don’t look down!” you think to yourself. You tighten the straps of your backpack and manage to walk along the pass.

Eyeball Planets: They Are as Eerie as They Sound

Eyeball Planets: They Are as Eerie as They Sound
2 years ago

The hunt for interesting exoplanets and life forms somewhere out there in the vast expanse of the Universe keeps going; no stopping here! We’re basically searching for a second Earth — a planet that’s similar to our home and where we could finally find some space friends. We’re not picky, any form of life is fine, even some bacteria-sized organisms. And this search has mostly been going on in the habitable zone around other stars. We also call this the Goldilocks zone. That’s a region where conditions are “bearly” just right for liquid water to exist, whether we’re talking about the surface of a planet or a moon.

That Asteroid Was Even Worse Than We Thought

That Asteroid Was Even Worse Than We Thought
2 years ago

The Sun is rising, lighting up the trees, swamps, and massive plants of the Yucatán Peninsula. It’s 66 million years before today — and the last days of the Mesozoic era. This peaceful world doesn’t know yet that a rock the size of a mountain is hurtling toward Earth at a speed of more than 40,000 mph. It looks like a fireball. It’s growing larger and larger with every passing minute. Soon, it seems bigger than the Sun. Dinosaurs roaming the prehistoric Earth don’t know yet that they have to run, hide, save themselves! Not that it’s going to help.

What If You Inflated and Popped a Balloon the Size of Earth?

What If You Inflated and Popped a Balloon the Size of Earth?
2 years ago

A deep, deep orange sunset...epic. You’re on the deck of a cruise liner somewhere in the Atlantic, the sun dips slowly, merging with the water on the horizon. Next to it, you can see another circle. It’s huge! It looks more like a new planet or a second sun, but this sphere’s located on Earth. It’s a balloon. Humans have been inflating if for months, and in just a few weeks, it’ll be the size of our planet. Nobody knows who exactly came up with this crazy idea. Probably somebody from Bright Side. It’s the year 2121, people live longer and have better lives. At some point they start to come up with weird and wacky things, not just useful ones.

The Only 100% Winning Strategy for Rock, Paper, Scissors

The Only 100% Winning Strategy for Rock, Paper, Scissors
Tips & tricks
2 years ago

Will rock crush scissors this time? Or will paper cover rock? This is your final attempt at escaping your chores for a month. If your sister wins, you’ll be the one doing them for both of you. Seconds away from that decisive throw, you slow down to think it over. Rock, paper, scissors’ origins date back to the times of the Chinese Han dynasty [206 BCE — 220 AD]. It became more as we know it today in 17th century Japan and had spread worldwide by the early 20th century. Some say it’s a silly random game of chance for two. Others call it a strategic system with a strong psychological foundation. They compete in championships and tournaments for those who take it seriously. If you wanna win one of those, you need to know a thing or two to build your success strategy.

What If a Tiny Needle Hit Earth at Light Speed

What If a Tiny Needle Hit Earth at Light Speed
2 years ago

Something’s moving towards our planet that could end all life on Earth. It’s a regular needle weighing about 5 grams. You’re probably wondering why it’s so dangerous. Can something that small really do any harm? It’s hard to say, because it’s moving at the speed of light, and we don’t really know what will happen when it hits.That’s because the idea itself is hypothetical, so it leaves us with a bunch of questions. Here’s the first one: What happens to a sewing needle in space? Could it actually accelerate to the speed of light? The short answer is no. But it’s not that simple. In our universe, nothing that has mass can reach the speed of light. It takes energy to make any object go faster. Since there can’t be an infinite amount of energy, nothing can ever accelerate that much.

What If You Lived One Day in the Ice Age

What If You Lived One Day in the Ice Age
2 years ago

Yep. There’s ice. All around. As far as the eye can see. A white desert covers the entrance to your cave, the one where you and a bunch of other settlers live.Everyone’s gathered around a fire pit trying to keep warm, telling each other stories about how much snow they saw the other day. Some are running around playing tag, throwing sticks... whatever people used to do for fun 300,000 years ago. You’re one of the earliest Homo Sapiens to ever walk the Earth!Others are sleeping or just resting their eyes. All around the cave, all you can hear are stomachs rumbling, sounds like a wild animal lurking around. You look out the mouth of the cave and see that the storm has cleared. Time to grab some tools and head out as a group!

If Your Window Sticks, Get in a Car and Drive Away Fast

If Your Window Sticks, Get in a Car and Drive Away Fast
2 years ago

Ahh, don’t you just love the smell of fresh air in the morning? Imagine you’ve just woken up and done your little morning stretch. You’re about to open your bedroom window to freshen the room up a bit when you notice your windows are stuck. Sure, if it’s wintertime, they might have got frozen overnight. But it can also mean something way more dangerous. Windows may get stuck before one treacherous natural phenomenon, which happens because of the changes in the soil and rock around your house. I’m talking about landslides.

20 People Who Found Something Spookier Than Expected

20 People Who Found Something Spookier Than Expected
3 years ago

Lurking behind any everyday object is an ominous moment waiting to happen, making blueberries turn into eyeballs and rocks into spooky cloaked figures. Some people simply have an eye for eerie and creepy sightings, like finding a rock in the woods that looks exactly like a head or simply noticing that the chicken you’re cooking looks like a demon. Luckily for us, they’re all simply tricking the eye.

15 Pics Showing That Not Everything Is What It Seems

15 Pics Showing That Not Everything Is What It Seems
3 years ago

Don’t always trust your eyes. Life is the greatest magician and can always throw you a curveball, even with the most mundane objects. Be vigilant with your surroundings because you never know when you may encounter things like lighting looking like a man, a log with an imprinted cat, or a rock that resembles a hawk, just to name a few.Today at Bright Side, we want to present you with 15 pictures that can challenge your senses and give you an electric mood boost for the day.

10 Celebrities Who Go the Extra Mile to Protect Their Privacy

10 Celebrities Who Go the Extra Mile to Protect Their Privacy
3 years ago

Part of being a celebrity is always looking your best. But some stars rebel against these expectations and choose to protect their right to privacy. From wearing the same clothes to hide from paparazzi to donning giant helmets to cover their faces, these artists prove living in the spotlight doesn’t equal giving up your privacy.

20 Times Nature Whipped Out Its Artistic Skills to Knock Our Socks Off

20 Times Nature Whipped Out Its Artistic Skills to Knock Our Socks Off
3 years ago

There’s an artist inside each of us, and it’s up to us to uncover it and unleash its powers. Nature is a world-famous artist, and we can see its works of art as soon as we open our eyes. We know you’d want a front seat ticket to the show called “Nature Rocks,” and this is why we prepared a special exhibit just for you.