Finding the perfect bra can feel like an endless journey for many women. With countless styles, sizes, and designs available, the sheer number of choices can be overwhelming. Yet, despite this abundance, a surprising number of women unknowingly wear the wrong bra size.At first glance, wearing an ill-fitting bra might seem like nothing more than a minor inconvenience. However, the impact goes beyond just discomfort. Whether too tight, too loose, or simply the wrong shape for your body, an improperly fitted bra can lead to a range of health issues.
Let’s face it: working out without a gym feels like some mythical unicorn magic, but trust us, it’s not. You don’t need any special machines or overpriced protein shakes to get moving. All you really need is a bit of floor space and the willingness to flail around in ways that would make a newborn giraffe finding its legs proud. Here are 14 mobility exercises that will leave you feeling flexible, fabulous, and just sweaty enough to justify dessert.
Yoga is all about listening to your body. Robyn Gaillard, a Kripalu-registered yoga teacher, recommends using yoga blocks to personalize your practice. They help with alignment, activate muscles, and support your core, hips, and pelvic floor. Blocks allow you to reach deeper stretches without straining your body.
In the bustling city of Beijing, a 19-year-old university student named Jiang Yanchen has embarked on a courageous journey to regain the ability to stand up straight. Affectionately dubbed the “folded boy” due to his battle with an autoimmune disease known as Ankylosing Spondylitis, Jiang’s tenacity in the face of adversity is an inspiring testament to the human spirit.
After a long day at work, treating yourself to something small might help you to unwind and boost your mood. You can indulge in a little retail therapy without feeling bad about spending too much money by taking advantage of deals on products you’ve had your eye on. So go ahead and spoil yourself a little — you deserve it!
Sometimes it’s not that easy to find what you need in a store because there are too many choices. So, shopping can be really time-consuming. But it’s especially disappointing if the quality of the chosen goods leaves a lot to be desired. So, these tips can really make your life easier and save you quite a lot of time.
Sleeping on a hard floor when you have a perfectly cozy bed might sound like madness. But, as it turns out, even though it might not be that comfortable, it can be very beneficial to your health. An improved immune system, increased lung capacity, and less back pain are only a few of the benefits that you’ll gain when you start sleeping on the floor.
Bedtime is probably one of the moments we look forward to the most at the end of the day. However, although it is a physiological need and we do it every day, there are bad habits that can affect our rest and our posture when we are cradled in the arms of Morpheus.
The handbag market can easily move around $47 billion each year. Totes, clutches, and satchel bags are some of the most popular types, and we all have our favorite ones. But being in style can lead to severe health issues. 54.5% of adults say they suffer from back pain or other related conditions, and the way we carry our bags can significantly aggravate this problem.
In order to get good rest after a long day, we most often tend to wrap ourselves in a blanket, get into a comfortable pose, and fall asleep, forgetting about the rest of the world. But in order to completely restore our energy and preserve our beauty, it’s actually quite important to pay attention to the position of your body while sleeping.
We actually experience pain during childbirth because of how our bodies changed through evolution. In fact, it took about 6 million years for humans to get where we are today, yet the changes we went through didn’t make us perfect, and our bodies have a few design flaws that you might not be aware of.
Exercise is not only good for our body, but it also helps our brain, scientists claim. Workouts help our brain build new cells and enhance its activity. When it comes to the brain and the body, both get tired when we spend too much time at our computers and phones, so the right set of exercises can keep both in a good shape.
Fitness experts are sure that you can get in good shape without going to the gym. And the exercises that can be performed at home like plank, twists, and squats, are perfect for this. But they may only look simple at first glance — in fact, many people do them wrong. And this can not only affect their effectiveness, but it can also cause health problems.
Research shows that massage therapy can actually help reduce stress. But you can’t always get to a therapist after a long tiring day of work, right? Well, these simple massage techniques might come in handy, so you can still be Zen while at home or taking a break from work.
People like to save money — it’s a well-known fact. But this type of behavior is not always profitable or beneficial. Sometimes we get only a short-term profit and can harm our health and the quality of our life in a long-term perspective. It’s not for nothing that people use the saying, “A miser pays twice.”
Having good posture is not just about how you look, it has lots of health benefits as well. Good posture keeps all the muscles, bones, and joints in the right alignment and helps to release the stress of your spine. Bad posture, on the other hand, can lead to headaches and a sore back or neck. Incorrect posture is not necessarily a bad habit, but it can be caused by muscles that are too weak or tight. And if you know which muscles need extra attention, it’s very possible to fix your posture.
Some of the most serious chronic problems like heartburn and back pain can be caused by the wrong sleeping posture. Even though we all know how important it is to enjoy a good night’s sleep, It’s not just about what feels comfy. It should be more about what’s best for our body. Sleeping is taking over or at least it should be a huge part of our lives and here’s why we should reconsider our sleeping habits.
Want some effective back exercises for building muscle? Then you’ve come to the right place. Training your back has a lot of benefits, among which are improved posture, a stronger core, and a stunning appearance. All you need to do is choose the right exercises and perform them systematically, and the results will show up in no time.
According to statistics, about 31 million Americans experience lower back pain at any given time. Luckily, this pain is usually caused by a spasm in a certain muscle and can be easily reduced at home with the help of some stretching exercises.
When we think about bad habits, we normally mean something like eating junk food, but there are some habits that many of us have and we don’t even realize that they’re doing something bad to us or annoying the people around us. Turns out that some of your daily habits could be doing you more harm than good, like that yummy smoothie that you enjoyed this morning that has 3 bananas in it.
The best yoga asanas you should do every day to improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health, include flexibility, fitness, balance, muscular strength, and spinal mobility. Here are a few basic but highly effective poses for beginner, intermediate, and advanced practitioners.
If you wish to achieve results in the gym, lose weight, and gain muscle, it is important to do basic exercises. But we often do them wrong, harming our health and canceling out our efforts.
The spine is literally the backbone of your body that keeps it together. It’s important that you take care of it at any age. Bright Side has made a list of everyday activities that, as it turns out, might harm your spine.
We at Bright Side are positive that everyone is capable of building the body of their dreams. We have collected the most efficient yoga poses that will not only improve the shape of your breasts and the volume of your lungs, but also make you feel strong and healthy.
We spend about a third of our life sleeping. Both the quality of our night’s rest and our overall health depend directly on our sleep posture and on what we do before going to bed. We at Bright Side have put together recommendations from top specialists on how to sleep properly to fix all of your health problems.
Back pain is no joke. Regardless of whether someone has a highly active lifestyle or is completely lazy, every one of us risks damaging our spine through our everday activities. Luckily for you, we’ve found a few simple, but very effective exercises which are guaranteed to help you get rid of back pain you might experience.