
15 Painfully Awkward Things People Have Done to Impress Someone

15 Painfully Awkward Things People Have Done to Impress Someone
month ago

We can all do crazy things to impress our dream girl or boy, and the following users have also proved it. From doing dangerous stuff to being ridiculous, it seems like there is nothing people wouldn't do to get the attention of their chosen one. We made a collection of the most entertaining confessions that were shared by some brave users.

20+ Stories That Prove Walking Your Pet Can Be an Exciting Adventure

20+ Stories That Prove Walking Your Pet Can Be an Exciting Adventure
2 months ago

Walking your dog isn’t just an excuse to warm up. You never know whether you’ll end up with an amusing hunt for an elusive bag, a surprise depth check of all the nearest puddles or an important mission to investigate every lamppost. In this team, you are the leader, but it’s your 4-legged friend who writes the scenario of the walk.

11 Times People Witnessed Supernatural Situations That Are Worst Than a Nightmare

11 Times People Witnessed Supernatural Situations That Are Worst Than a Nightmare
year ago

Almost everyone has had a nightmare so disturbing that it prevented them from returning to sleep. However, some individuals have encountered genuinely eerie events in their own lives, possibly surpassing the fear induced by bad dreams. While some incidents can be explained logically, others instill doubt about what is truly real. Here, a handful of courageous individuals have shared their unique stories online, guaranteeing to send shivers down your spine.

12 People Witnessed a Supernatural Event and It Haunts Them to This Day

12 People Witnessed a Supernatural Event and It Haunts Them to This Day
year ago

Not everyone relies on horror movies to feel fear; some have encountered eerie events in their own lives. And while some of these incidents can be explained, others provoke people to question and cast doubt on what is genuinely true. Below, a few brave souls have shared their unusual stories online, and they are guaranteed to give you goosebumps.

11 Camping Essentials You Don’t Want to Miss This Summer

11 Camping Essentials You Don’t Want to Miss This Summer
year ago

Going camping is a very romantic concept, but in order for everything to be pleasant you need a few essentials. From a good sleeping pad to safety precautions, certain gadgets are needed to make nature feel like home. You certainly don’t want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere with no clean water and good shelter. This is why we gathered 10 items those of you who camp or want to start doing it will find extremely useful.

What If Earth Had Rings Like Saturn

What If Earth Had Rings Like Saturn
year ago

You’re relaxing in your room and streaming some good tunes when suddenly, the network’s down. You try rebooting your phone, but there’s still no connection. Out of nowhere, your sister barges into your room in panic. She’s screaming something about rings. Boxing rings? Wedding rings? Rings on the tub? She’s not making any sense. So she drags you out of the house and shows you the sky. You take a look-up and see streaks of objects forming miles above the Earth’s surface. Her connection seems to work. The two of you check online what’s going on, and everywhere the same thing is making headlines: Rings are suddenly appearing in our sky! #Earthrings is breaking the hashtag record and videos are going super viral. Your sister can’t help but join the crowd and takes a bunch of selfies with the sky.

Why Abandoned Stairs Keep Appearing in Woods Randomly

Why Abandoned Stairs Keep Appearing in Woods Randomly
year ago

You’re hiking in the wilderness, looking for a safe spot to set up camp, all you can hear are leaves and branches cracking under your footsteps... Some squirrels are running up a tree over there! But suddenly, something unexpected happens. You notice something weird in the distance in between the trees, it kinda looks like a concrete structure of some sort! Weird... At this point, you’re at least 20 miles deep into the woods and there are no nearby towns or far as you know. So, you decide to go off the trail with your friends to get a closer look. But as you get nearer you realize that it’s actually a 12-foot-tall staircase, and it’s leading to... Nowhere? Hmm. What’s it doing there, in the middle of literally nowhere? And it doesn’t even lead to anything. You put on your Sherlock Holmes cap and investigate. So...maybe there used to be an old house or mansion here that collapsed over the years and the only thing left is this staircase? But weirdly enough, after circling the bizarre structure you realize there’s no trace of any ruins or even foundations! It’s like someone just sliced a staircase off their house, cake style, and plopped it here, for no reason. Ok...

12 Unusual Phenomena Don’t Seem Natural at All

12 Unusual Phenomena Don’t Seem Natural at All
year ago

You’re hiking in the wilderness, looking for a safe spot to set up camp, all you can hear are leaves and branches cracking under your footsteps... Some squirrels are running up a tree over there! But suddenly, something unexpected happens. You notice something weird in the distance in between the trees, it kinda looks like a concrete structure of some sort! Weird... At this point, you’re at least 20 miles deep into the woods and there are no nearby towns or far as you know.

What’s Up With These Weird-Looking Mushrooms?

What’s Up With These Weird-Looking Mushrooms?
year ago

Did you know that the largest living creature on our planet is a mushroom? I know, your first thought was probably a whale or some large tree, like the Sequoia. Surprisingly, if we look at square footage, the largest single living organism is a species of mycelium called Armillaria Ostoyae or the honey mushroom. And you can find it in Oregon’s Malheur National Forest. It stretches across 3 square miles! Not only is it the largest, but it’s also thought to be the oldest organism as well, estimated to be around 8,000 years old! Some scientists believe that mushrooms are intelligent, too. Well, sort of — they don’t have emotions and aren’t actually capable of thinking. But they do have some of the most complex and extensive communication systems in the world.

14 Scary But Not Dangerous Animals

14 Scary But Not Dangerous Animals
2 years ago

Alright. You’re scuba diving in the ocean, watching corals and colorful fish flitting by, when suddenly an enormous shadow appears above you. You look up and see a massive creature approaching you, its mouth a gaping abyss... Relax, just stay still and you’ll be fine.

What If Giant Fire Ants Overtook the City and You Must Stop Them

What If Giant Fire Ants Overtook the City and You Must Stop Them
2 years ago

[SFX: “Huge red monsters! Stay at home! Close all the windows and doors!”] The blare of a loudspeaker chimes throughout the area. You jump out of bed, confused. The alarm call continues: [SFX: “Keep indoors! Huge red monsters!”]You run out to the balcony and look down. Police cars, ambulances, and even fire trucks with roaring sirens swerve down the road. People run along the sidewalk shouting, “Ants!!!”

Why Ancient Structures Are Always Found Underground

Why Ancient Structures Are Always Found Underground
2 years ago

Whenever you hear about ancient ruins, you almost never picture them being suspended somewhere, or just randomly hanging on the branch of a tree, right? In fact, for most of the ancient artifacts we have exposed in museums all over the world, archeologists did quite an impressive amount of digging!

20 Times a Quirky Feature Opened a New Dimension in Things

20 Times a Quirky Feature Opened a New Dimension in Things
2 years ago

Even the most predictable thing can become extraordinary. A tree can grow upside down. A rock formation can look like a hamburger. And if you decide to take a walk in the forest and see a portal there, don’t get surprised. Maybe it’s just a uniquely crafted spider web.

20 Stories That Prove Heroes Don’t Need Capes

20 Stories That Prove Heroes Don’t Need Capes
2 years ago

Living our lives can be tricky, as sometimes we can find ourselves in situations that are difficult to get out of on our own. Fortunately, the world is filled with good people that are always willing to go out of their way to help others in need and make us somehow feel special and cared for.To honor these kind people, Bright Side decided to gather these examples that can fill your heart with hope in humanity.

22 Accidental Art Pieces That Were Perfectly “Designed” for the Spooky Season

22 Accidental Art Pieces That Were Perfectly “Designed” for the Spooky Season
3 years ago

A ghost hiding in a grill oven, a spooky forest on your butter knife, or a man engulfed by a tree — these might be the perfect characters for the next big thriller movie. Some of the following pieces of accidental art might seem slightly scary at first, and others may need an explanation to be cracked, but they get us into the Halloween mood, no matter what time of year it actually is.

15+ Wonders of Nature That People Found Lying Around

15+ Wonders of Nature That People Found Lying Around
3 years ago

Mother Nature is constantly surprising us with fascinating and unusual wonders, she never slows down. From trees that look like they have eyes to a potato that is shaped like a heart, natural wonders come in all shapes and sizes.Bright Side loves to see the fascinating discoveries and natural wonders people are able to find, so we’ve collected 16 photos showing exactly that.

15 Times Nature Decided to Play by Its Own Rules

15 Times Nature Decided to Play by Its Own Rules
3 years ago

From time to time, nature is willing to interfere with an everyday routine and set its own rules. It can be lightning that highlights a tornado or a stream that’s decided to go through the middle of a tree. Sometimes, it turns out to be weird, sometimes — fascinating, but each time, we’re in awe.

15 Times Nature Wowed Us With a Trick Up Its Sleeve

15 Times Nature Wowed Us With a Trick Up Its Sleeve
3 years ago

Mother Nature loves surprising people with all sorts of feats and creations. From beautiful hidden patterns inside tree trunks to birds that catch free rides on even bigger birds, these are things that make Earth a magical place to live in. And when they’re captured through a lens, we all get to enjoy them.

Solve These 10 Riddles to Test Your Survival Skills

Solve These 10 Riddles to Test Your Survival Skills
4 years ago

People who act without hesitation in an emergency situation, like nurses, firefighters, and cops, have rewired their brains and are able to control their fear response. The ordinary person can do this too with experience and repetition. And whether it’s being trapped inside a room that is rapidly filling with water or one that is on fire, we have to act quickly. Luckily for you, there is a safe way to test just how good your survival skills are!

20 Times Nature Amazed Us With Its Fascinating Beauty

20 Times Nature Amazed Us With Its Fascinating Beauty
4 years ago

One thing that never gets old is the beauty of nature. It always has something stunning in store for us, just waiting to be discovered and photographed. From snow forming in shapes to strange yet gorgeous things, such as a twisted tree, nature’s wonders will forever be unmatched.

15 Times People Spotted the Most Unusual Things

15 Times People Spotted the Most Unusual Things
4 years ago

Be it an action figure stuck inside a tree or a wasp nest on a light bulb, some people end up finding the strangest yet interesting things around them. We don’t know if it’s luck or being in the right place at the right time, but we’re sure intrigued by some of the things humans randomly stumble upon.

15 Times Nature Decided to Pull Tricks on Humans

15 Times Nature Decided to Pull Tricks on Humans
4 years ago

Be it a jalapeño disguised as a T-rex or putting seashells up on the tops of trees — as it turns out, sometimes nature loves breaking its own rules. By pulling tricks when we least expect them, it’s almost as if nature actually likes to toy with humans for a good laugh.

7 Things That Could Save Your Life in an Emergency Situation

7 Things That Could Save Your Life in an Emergency Situation
Tips & tricks
4 years ago

Even after hearing several warning messages, people may think that nothing serious is ever going to happen to them. Bit this leaves us vulnerable and unprepared in dangerous situations. No, emergencies don’t happen all that often, but we still need to learn how to react so our chances of survival are good.

19 Wow-Worthy Things Only Nature Could Create

19 Wow-Worthy Things Only Nature Could Create
4 years ago

We have 7 wonders of the ancient world and 7 natural wonders. But it seems to us that these lists are too small. After all, a tree that can grow fruit on its trunk, a pizza stone, and a rainbow cloud can also be considered “one of a kind” and definitely deserve our attention.

Internet Users Showed Us 20 Faces in the Most Unexpected Objects, and Now We Can’t Unsee Them

Internet Users Showed Us 20 Faces in the Most Unexpected Objects, and Now We Can’t Unsee Them
4 years ago

Seeing faces in places where they’re not supposed to be is a pretty common thing, and we bet it’s happened to you too. There’s even a word that describes this phenomenon — it’s called pareidolia. In clouds, in trees, in an open container of ice cream, or even in a T-shirt hanging on a chair — faces are everywhere if we just use a bit of our imagination.

How to Stay Safe If You Find Yourself Face-to-Face With a Wild Animal

How to Stay Safe If You Find Yourself Face-to-Face With a Wild Animal
4 years ago

Encountering wild animals in a big city is perhaps only possible in a zoo, however, exceptions can still apply anywhere. Sometimes animals run away from their careless owners and roam around the city. But usually meeting wild animals face-to-face happens in forests where people go to pick mushrooms and berries, or simply go for a picnic. It’s good if a person meets a nice squirrel, but what if a bear, a wolf, or a wild boar appears in the field where you’re going to pick blackberries?

20 Things That Totally Look Like Something Else

20 Things That Totally Look Like Something Else
4 years ago

From accidentally summoning the spirit of a unicorn in your campfire to finding dog faces hidden in a tree, spotting eyes and faces in non-living objects is actually normal. The scientific name for it is “anthropomorphism” but there’s more to it. At times, there are also things that look totally different than what they’re supposed to, completely tricking a person upon first glance.