10+ Animal Photos Proving There’s Nothing Like a Mother’s Love

8 months ago

Nothing can be compared to a mother’s love. Humans might stay with their parents the longest, but that doesn’t mean the animal kingdom isn’t full of examples of loving mothers. Many animals have powerful bonds with their children. Mother elephants nurse their children for up to 6 years and take care of them for about 16 years or more. But they’re just one of the many animal mothers that affectionately show their love.

1. Mothers don’t always see eye-to-eye with their children, but they still always show their love.

2. “Tucked in safe with mama”

3. Mothers come in all shapes and sizes, but the most important thing is their love.

4. Even when a mother and her child are far apart, love always finds a way.

5. For some babies a mother can be a handy cleaning crew.

6. It seems like a mother never sleeps.

7. But all mothers know that it’s important to have a lot of love.

8. Though we can all agree, it takes a high degree of tolerance to become a mother.

9. Remember, nothing beats a kiss from mom.

10. When it comes to moms, you can never tell what’s greater: the love they give or the love they get.

11. Because to every mother, their child is a beauty beyond compare.

See, even in the animal kingdom, a mother’s love is a beautiful thing. What animal do you think is the most caring in the animal world? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Preview photo credit YoungCasanovaaa / Reddit


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