19 Lucky People That Accidentally Created Photo Masterpieces With a Bit of Magic in Them

2 years ago

Sometimes, we see something strange in real life or in photos, then we look again and realize it was just an illusion. Internet users share photos of the visual tricks they’ve seen. Some of them are easy to crack, and others, not so much. For example, it took us a long time to realize why a dog had a human face, and why something reminds us of actual dinosaurs.

Bright Side invites you to a world of photo illusions and hopes you will have some fun.

This shadow looks like a person.

Chimera dog

Huge mic?

Berries with teeth

Cat breathing fire

“This tomato from my garden has seemingly stitched itself together.”

You’ve heard of Catdog, so here’s Dogdog!

Looks like a UFO.

A surprised lady

This dog has a human face.

A cat reflection and a tree

This is a spider cat.

Praying mantis on a windshield

Cat on a cloud

“My car looks like it’s missing the back wheel at this angle.”

This is not a river, it’s a mountain.

They look like dinosaurs.

“My dog lost his head.”

“My friend’s sneakers look as if they’re screaming.”

Do you have any photos you just can’t make sense of? Can you share them with us?

Preview photo credit ExplodingSofa / Reddit


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