
A German Circus Uses Holograms Instead of Live Animals in Their Shows, and It’s a Giant Step Toward Ending Animal Abuse

A German Circus Uses Holograms Instead of Live Animals in Their Shows, and It’s a Giant Step Toward Ending Animal Abuse
5 years ago

The use of live animals in circus performances has been a highly debatable issue for decades. And while many of those debates end up with vague plans to put bans on animals in circuses, there are other people who bring those plans to life right here, right now. Circus Roncalli in Germany now uses stunning holograms instead of real animals in their shows, and people can’t stop admiring them.

20 Animals That Would Pass a Genius Test With No Problems

20 Animals That Would Pass a Genius Test With No Problems
2 weeks ago

It’s hard to deny that animals can easily manipulate humans. Whether it’s a pet or a random squirrel in the park, they can remember what behavior works to their advantage. This article is all about animals getting what they want or using their wits to the max.

Speed Test: Spot the Hidden Animals in Less Than 7 Seconds

Speed Test: Spot the Hidden Animals in Less Than 7 Seconds
5 months ago

Are you good at hide and seek? Because these animals are very sneaky, and it can get quite difficult to find them. If we are not attentive enough, they can go unnoticed. That’s why we created this challenge in order to train our concentration skills. Remember to click on each image to see the correct answer.

What Animals on Earth Will Look Like in a Million Years

What Animals on Earth Will Look Like in a Million Years
year ago

You call your beloved cat to have his dinner. Sir Scratchy! Suddenly, you hear loud stomping. The dishes on the dinner table clink with every thump. A painting’s fallen off the wall! Is it an earthquake? No, that’s a cat the size of a pony walking into the dining room! It needs ten times as much food as the average cat. And it purrs like a tractor! No, Scratchy, stop rolling, you’ll turn over the cupboard! Well, this is one possible scenario for the evolution of animals in the future. Climate, water, oxygen in the air, and even gravity are factors that influence the course of evolution. For example, scientists predict that some bird species will gradually lose their warm feathers. In the future, they will basically look like sphinx cats with beaks and wings. The same thing might happen to our pets. Gradually, their fur will become shorter until they’re completely bald.

15+ Times Animals Reminded Us That Life Is Too Short to Be Serious

15+ Times Animals Reminded Us That Life Is Too Short to Be Serious
year ago

You know what they say: animals are people’s best friends... unless they’re busy making a mess of your house. But that’s the beauty of our 4-legged friends — they have a talent for making themselves at home wherever they dang well please. In this article, we’ll be showing you some of the most hilarious animals.

20 Animals Who Have Orchestrated Some Unexpected Situations

20 Animals Who Have Orchestrated Some Unexpected Situations
year ago

Animals are known for their cuteness, but they are also capable of making us laugh with their silly and playful antics. From dogs chasing their tails to cats getting stuck in funny positions, there are countless hilarious animal moments captured on camera that have gone viral on social media. Here are some of the funniest animals that are sure to put a smile on your face.

10 Pairs of Animals That We Regularly Confuse, but in Reality are Like Pen and Pin

10 Pairs of Animals That We Regularly Confuse, but in Reality are Like Pen and Pin
year ago

Many animals may appear strikingly similar at first glance, leading even dedicated Animal Planet viewers to mistakenly confuse them. Take, for instance, the jaguar and the leopard, or the llama and the alpaca. However, let’s set the record straight: the jaguar and leopard differ in body structure, spot patterns on their skin, and tail length. Similarly, the llama and alpaca vary in fur, muzzle, ear shape, and body size.

Are Godzilla-Sized Animals Possible?

Are Godzilla-Sized Animals Possible?
year ago

Wait, don’t tell me that life on Earth has bubbled for about 3.5 billion years, and the biggest creature we got is the blue whale? I mean, not bad, but that doesn’t sound nearly as fun as those cool giant creatures you get to see in movies. Yeah, you recognize the iconic roar here. It appeared on TV, in comic books, in video games, and in cinema. I mean, c’mon, it even got its own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on its 50th birthday [2004]. So... What would it take to get good old Godzilla from the TV screen to our streets?

15 Animals Who Can Change Your Mood for the Better

15 Animals Who Can Change Your Mood for the Better
year ago

You can get a pet for a constant source of happiness and to always be in a good mood. Animals just love us — it doesn’t matter whether we are sick, tired, or full of energy. Take a look at these sweet little creatures below. We hope they’ll make you smile.

16 Times Animals Decided to Show That They’re Not That Simple

16 Times Animals Decided to Show That They’re Not That Simple
year ago

You might be mistaken if you think you can control your pet. They’re total individuals that make their own decisions and easily show what’s on their minds. Even if a cat decides to taste something forbidden, it could mean that the animal is just too curious and needs to learn more about the world.

20 Selfies That Prove Animals Love to Steal the Show Too

20 Selfies That Prove Animals Love to Steal the Show Too
year ago

For some years now, selfies have become very important in our lives. And there is nothing better than being able to see yourself in the camera before clicking. However, certain elements can improve them even more. And no, they are not filters, but very special animals, which come into the picture with all their magic to turn an ordinary photo into a shot worthy of framing and hanging in the living room.

15 Albino Animals That Enrich the Beauty of Our Planet

15 Albino Animals That Enrich the Beauty of Our Planet
2 years ago

Albino animals can have a tough time in the wild because of poor eyesight and their inability to camouflage. However, some are lucky to be protected by people who truly cherish them. This is the case of albino squirrels in the city of Olney, in Illinois, who have been part of the city’s history since at least 1902. There they have laws to protect these special creatures, including right-of-way on all streets and sidewalks.

18 Times Animals Decided They Need to Act More Human-like

18 Times Animals Decided They Need to Act More Human-like
2 years ago

Our lovely animals sometimes surprise us with their behavior. Your dog may love chips and steal them behind your back. A cat may act like a toddler who loves to suck a pacifier. All these human-like habits make us feel like they are not just pets but our real friends, or our fur babies.

20 Animals Whose Hearts Overflow With Love for Those Around Them

20 Animals Whose Hearts Overflow With Love for Those Around Them
2 years ago

The world is a richer place because of animals. Their unconditional love and selflessness have taught humans countless lessons and every day they are a source of joy for multiple families. Their kind acts and displays of endearment are often caught on camera, in photos that could warm even a heart of stone.

22 Dorky Animals Who Decided to Act Provocatively

22 Dorky Animals Who Decided to Act Provocatively
2 years ago

Animals also need attention, and they’ve mastered ways to get it. Your cat can yell at you during a Zoom meeting, or a squirrel can show its tongue through the window. Each animal is individual and uses different ways to be noticed.

20 Tiny Animals That Will Steal Your Heart

20 Tiny Animals That Will Steal Your Heart
2 years ago

According to the famous zoologist, Konrad Lorenz, “baby schema” can explain why we find babies, small animals, and tiny objects cute. Baby animals remind us of human children, and our natural instinct is to shelter and protect them. But our reaction to seeing adorable things can also include “cuteness aggression,” a response that makes us want to touch and squish tiny creatures.

18 Times Animals Showed-Off Their Daring Side

18 Times Animals Showed-Off Their Daring Side
2 years ago

Animals, like human beings, can have their own culture, morality, and emotions. They are even capable of mind-reading. No wonder, our pets can sometimes show their daring, rebellious side. They also want to express themselves and have their own wishes and ideas.

18 Photos That Prove Animals May Never Grow Up

18 Photos That Prove Animals May Never Grow Up
2 years ago

Many feline experts agree that an adult cat’s intelligence is equivalent to that of a 2 to 3-year-old child. And dogs are close to a human child at age 2 to 2.5 years. It’s no wonder they behave like kids and ask for our attention like toddlers sometimes.

11 Modern Animals That Look Nothing Like Their Ancestors

11 Modern Animals That Look Nothing Like Their Ancestors
2 years ago

Ah, evolution, it’s a funny thing. For us, it’s hard to imagine the prehistoric world, so different from what we know, along with the strange creatures that inhabited it. For example, in the Cambrian period, the ocean was shallow and the sun never set. Every day was Sunday morning and there was never any darkness. Animals had just invented eating each other, and having eyeballs was all the rage. Thinking that our cats and dogs descended from those guys is mind-boggling at best.

15 Pictures of Animals That Are Impossible to Look at Without Smiling

15 Pictures of Animals That Are Impossible to Look at Without Smiling
2 years ago

Animals are a well-known source of endless joy for many. In fact, a number of studies point to the fact that animals of all sorts, like dogs, horses, and even crickets, can have a positive impact on our mental health. Luckily, the Internet is full of wholesome content for everyone to enjoy, including those who don’t own a pet. It’s the perfect work break entertainment.

These Woolen Animals Look So Real, Like They’ll Squeak Alive Any Minute

These Woolen Animals Look So Real, Like They’ll Squeak Alive Any Minute
year ago

Yulia Derevschikova is an animal-loving wool artist who creates adorable animals that are so cute, we can barely keep it together. She started her creative journey back in 2015 and has made over 100 of these animal models. She uses a felted wool technique, and it takes her up to 20 hours to make a small animal figure. Her work has become so popular that she started selling them worldwide.

20+ Animals That Happened to Be Totally Unprepared for Parenthood

20+ Animals That Happened to Be Totally Unprepared for Parenthood
2 years ago

They say a child is a flower in the garden of life. And to fully understand this saying, you probably need to become a mom or a dad. Even then it still takes some time, because you have to go through so many things that you don’t have time for philosophy. And this theory isn’t just referring to humans — animals experience the same AHA! moments.

An Artist Imagined Animals Acting Like Humans and They Look Utterly Cool

An Artist Imagined Animals Acting Like Humans and They Look Utterly Cool
2 years ago

Sometimes, when life gets too boring and repetitive, all we need to do is see things from a different perspective. This is exactly what Taiwanese American artist, Lucia Heffernan, does with her artwork. On her Instagram account, Lucia showcases her unique paintings that portray cute and cuddly animals in typical human situations. To put a little smile on your face today, Bright Side has curated some of her most relatable creations. See if the last photo reminds you of someone!

15+ Pics That Prove Animals Can Literally Bond With Everyone

15+ Pics That Prove Animals Can Literally Bond With Everyone
year ago

We’re used to pets showering their owners with love, but it seems that some animals don’t limit their affection to humans. They are born with a natural talent for building friendships with other species and even objects at times. This connection might be hilarious or even unsettling at first, but it proves to us how big the hearts of some 4-legged friends can be. And they remind us, once again, that love is a universal language that knows no limits.

23 Friendships Between Animals Who Were Meant to Spend a Lifetime Together

23 Friendships Between Animals Who Were Meant to Spend a Lifetime Together
2 years ago

When it comes to friendship, there are no tags. It’s not just humans who are able to create lasting emotional bonds. Many animals have also been gifted with a remarkable ability to pair up, occasionally even with members from other species. Ravens and dogs, horses and kittens, kangaroos and cats, they’ve all formed a relationship that means love, protection, and joy.