20 Times a Normal Day Suddenly Became Unpredictable

2 years ago

Each day can bring something new — you may find out that you need to put a white sack on your head to take your baby’s passport picture, or when it’s time to change out the filter in your air purifier, it may appear to still be in its plastic packaging.

Many unpredictable things can change an ordinary day, and we at Bright Side decided to share 20 photos that perfectly show it.

1. “My sister-in-law just sent me a viral video on Tik Tok of someone with the same air purifier, realizing the filter had never been taken out of the package. I checked mine.”

2. “This cat hair I found while cleaning an old keyboard”

3. “How my friend’s baby took its passport pictures”

4. “This spider on my rear camera scared me.”

5. “My legs after a 5-hour mountain bike ride”

6. “My yogurt got sealed twice.”

7. “This deformed sweet potato I found at work”

8. “I found this little snowman in a box of old Christmas decorations. Turns out it was a candy-holding present from 1933!”

9. “The way these trash bins are aligned makes their shadows look like a group of goons.”

10. “My pear this morning looks beat up.”

11. “This Japanese cup reveals a photo of a woman when you add liquid.”

12. “This sink faucet looks like the squirrel from Ice Age.”

13. “I found this ‘veiled lady’ mushroom on a hike this morning near Seoul.”

14. “I randomly found an old building that matches a painting I have.”

15. “When I met my wife, we didn’t know it at the time, but it turns out that we have similar-looking birthmarks on our thighs.”

16. “A coworker of mine opened up a big square Duracell battery. Turns out it’s just 4 smaller batteries on a cardboard platform.”

17. “My bank sent me 64 copies of the same debit card.”

18. “A dog-walker friend realized she and the dog were wearing the same boots.”

19. “This is how much tape is used when painting one floor of a school.”

20. “I discovered today that some clothes dryers have button traps.”

What was the last thing that really surprised you? When was the last time you tried to make someone’s day exceptional?

Preview photo credit vandraks/reddit


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