19 Photos That Leave Us With a Lot of Questions

Social media has become a massive part of our lives, and it’s no secret that celebrities use it to connect with their fans. Some of the most common things we see on social media are pictures of celebrities looking their best. However, there is often a difference between how they look in these perfectly curated photos and how they appear in real life.
Situations when the reality isn’t the same as our expectations are more common than we think. Check out what these people have been going through. Can you relate to them?
15+ Times When Reality and Expectations Were as Different as Chalk and Cheese
15 Truly “Expectation vs Reality” Pics That Will Make You Laugh to Tears
20+ Times Expectation and Reality Didn’t Match the Plans
20 People Who Dared to Make an Online Purchase Despite the “Expectation-Reality” Thing
14 Times Expectation and Reality Were Complete Opposites