Albino Sisters Born 12 Years Apart Excite the Internet With Their Photos
It’s not that often that you see an albino person on the street, since the condition is quite rare. That’s why the story of 2 sisters from Kazakhstan has bewitched people from all around the world. They were born into one family, 12 years apart, and they have one thing in common — they are both albino.
We at Bright Side were surprised to learn that this is even possible. And now it’s time for you to meet these fabulous girls.
Do you think the girls should become models?
yes i think they should be models. They are so lovely. Any modeling agent would be a fool not to want them as a client.
Cute ???
I think they should be models too. But, of course, they don't have to.
I think people that are albino are prettier than most people, it would be amazing to show that they are not different, just special:)

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