10 Amazing Celeb Bosses That Anyone Would Love to Work With

year ago

Since we spend the majority of our time in the workplace, it goes without saying that job satisfaction is crucial in making employees happy and, consequently, more productive. Some bosses can make your life a living hell, while others are a pleasure to work with. Celebrities are no different.

Bright Side brings you a list of famous people who treat their employees right and who are praised for being awesome bosses to work with.

1. Rihanna — ’’party boss’’

Most of us know her as a musician, but Rihanna is also the owner of the thriving fashion and beauty company, Fenty. She is known as a caring boss who makes a special effort toward supporting her crew. In turn, her employees surprised her by setting up lovely heart-shaped balloons in her office on Boss Appreciation Day, clearly showing how much they love her.

She is known to be a ’’party boss’’ who enjoys going out with her dancers and beauty crew after concerts. The pop icon also stood beside her assistant Jennifer Morales as a bridesmaid on her wedding day in 2015, demonstrating how supportive she is as a boss.

2. Keanu Reeves — the most generous

Those who’ve collaborated with Reeves can confirm that one of Hollywood’s most liked actors is a pleasure to work with. Known to be one of the most generous Hollywood stars, Reeves had no problem giving up a part of his earnings when working on The Matrix and The Devil’s Advocate just to help save the budget and allow other big names to co-star with him.

He supported not only his co-stars but also the cast and crew numerous times when he gave up part of his earnings in order to increase their salaries. With the money he earned from The Matrix, Reeves bought the entire stunt team their own Harley Davidson motorcycles. He is also warm and easygoing with his fellow cast and crew.

3. Dolly Parton — rules with love and compassion

The country music icon is also a businesswoman and the co-owner of Dollywood Parks and Resorts, a chain of family theme parks and hotels. The company recently announced that it will be paying for its employees’ education from now on. They offer to start covering 100% of tuition, fees, and books for any of their employees who wish to continue their education.

As the owner of a number of businesses, Parton has many employees. Last year, she opened up about what it’s like to be in charge: ’’I’m a good boss, I think. I try to rule with love and compassion. I’m a fair and honest person. I like to be as friendly as I can and love the people that work with me and I like to have them love me,’’ Parton confessed.

4. Angelina Jolie — open and friendly

Aside from being one of the most famous Hollywood stars, Jolie is so much more than just an actress. She is a successful movie director, famous for her humanitarian work, and is praised for being a great boss to work with.

According to Krisann Morel, who used to work for Jolie as a nanny, Angie is friendly and open. The actress likes chatting with her employees about things that are not strictly work-related, making them feel comfortable and relaxed.

5. Oprah Winfrey — fair and supportive

The highest-paid TV star is also famous for her generosity. Back in the ’80s when almost nobody talked about equal pay, Oprah went on a strike to get her producers a raise. When the broadcaster refused to do so, she paid her employees incentives out of her own pocket.

Oprah is approachable and kind, and truly cares about her employees. You can expect her to know your name and to ask how are things going in your private life. She keeps her word and is famous for being a fair and generous employer. She spares no expense to take her crew on a well-deserved vacation to exotic destinations, like Hawaii or on a Mediterranean cruise.

6. Kenny Chesney — caring and giving

His songs may be breezy and laid-back, but when it comes to work, Kenny Chesney takes things very seriously. In fact, he’s a very caring, hands-on boss. The business of Kenny Chesney entails touring, merch, and more, and he oversees the operation of about 120 employees:

’’I want all the people out there who work with me to feel as appreciated as possible, especially the people who are the first to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed — my crew guys," he explains. Chesney is also known for being quite generous too — he once treated his employees to a trip to the Virgin Islands.

7. Kate Moss — thoughtful and loyal

While there were some complaints about her behavior as an employee, Kate Moss seems to be completely different when she is in charge. Judging by her close relationship with her long-term personal assistant Fiona Young, Moss appears to be a friendly boss. Kate even attended her assistant’s wedding, proving how caring she can be.

Kate was reportedly ’’in tears’’ when Fiona left on maternity leave. Those close to the famous model revealed that they were close ’’like sisters’’ and that Fiona has held Moss’s life together through thick and thin. Understandably, Kate was sad to see her leave, but she was very supportive throughout. A lavish baby shower she organized for Fiona confirms that Moss knows how to express gratitude.

8. Jennifer Hudson — caring and generous

Companies usually give small gifts on Christmas to their employees, but Jennifer Hudson went the extra mile. The Oscar-winning actress bought her assistant, Walter Williams, a house as a Christmas present. Understandably, the assistant was over the moon and his emotional reaction was captured on video and shared on Hudson’s Instagram profile.

Although they are childhood friends and their relationship goes beyond work, it still is one of the most generous gifts you can receive from someone. Hudson has proven that she’s definitely a boss anyone would love to have.

9. George Clooney — knows how to express gratitude

The famous actor is as good a guy as he seems. He once gave 14 of his old friends a million bucks each: ’’I slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help over the years. And I’ve helped them over the years.’’

But he’s equally kind to his staff. He built a house on his own property for his long-time personal assistant, Angel. When she just started working for him, George showed his generosity by purchasing a truck for her.

10. Sandra Bullock — respectful and giving

The Oscar-winning actress is revered for being incredibly generous. According to some sources, she “never forgets to hand out bonuses,” to her staff. “She once gave out $10,000 at the end of the year to a few select employees.” Her employees also get smaller treats regularly, and Bullock makes a point of remembering birthdays and giving gifts or surprising them with spa treatments.

If you could choose a celebrity to work for, who would it be and why? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Angelina Jolie’s trip to Cambodia while filming “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” was transformative. It not only ignited her humanitarian spirit but also led her to adopt Maddox, her first child, marking the beginning of her journey as a mother to a diverse family.


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