10 Celebrities Who Regretted Their Outfits

8 months ago

Many people spend too much time in front of the mirror before going out. Fixing the hair or changing the clothes when we just need to leave the house. When we see a celebrity wearing something strange, we might think they’re confident, but that’s not always true. Celebrities are just like us, and not every outfit they pick is a good choice. Sometimes, they regret their fashion decisions, just like we do.

1. Eva Mendes

It’s not always just about the clothes; sometimes, it’s about how the entire look comes together. Eva Mendes thinks this happened with an outfit she wore once. “It was a beautiful dress, but the way I styled everything, it ended up like a Princess Jasmine gone wrong,” she says. “The strapless, purple dress with necklaces and hair in a really high braid. Not a good look.”

2. Gillian Anderson

Famous British actress Gillian Anderson wanted to mention something about the dress she wore to the 1995 Golden Globes. In an interview, she shared her honest opinion about her 90’s look. “I made a fashion choice that I don’t quite get now,” she said in an interview with Elle. “It was a gold dress, kinda like a geisha style, with a band around the middle. I ended up on the worst-dressed lists everywhere. I don’t think I’ve worn anything as bad since then.”

3. Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton, a singer and actress, has worn many iconic outfits on red carpets over her long career. Some impressed people, while others she didn’t even like herself. In one of her interviews, she says, “I think, ’Oh my Lord, you must have thought you looked good,’ and I must have, or I wouldn’t have worn it. But I guess I didn’t have anything better at the time — or I thought it looked good at the moment.”

4. Kate Hudson

It’s not always clear what’s off about an outfit. Back in 2001, Kate Hudson got the dress of her dreams. “I was 21, and having Stella McCartney dress me made me feel like the hippest, coolest girl in the world,” Hudson says. However, the next day, she “turned on the TV to discover I was on every Worst Dressed list imaginable.”

“So I called Stella, and we just laughed. She said, ’Look, babe, it was the hair, right?’” Hudson laughs.

5.Bella Hadid


Regarding her stunning attire at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, Bella didn’t like her outfit saying, “The dress itself was amazing. However, that slit! It opened up too much. I felt uneasy in front of the cameras.”

Observing the images from the event, it’s challenging to doubt Bella’s statement. The model consistently kept her hand on her hip to prevent the halves of her skirt from revealing too much.

6. Ashley Tisdale

Fashion mishaps can sometimes be a source of laughter rather than a tragedy. Take Ashley Tisdale, for instance, who fondly remembers one of the weirdest looks she ever rocked. “I wore this really strange pink camo skirt and this pink furry thing, I don’t even know what it was, but I said, ’Ooh, put me in it!’” she remembers. “And instead of wearing it like you normally would, I was like, ’I am going to do it, have one of my arms out and have it going across my body.’

“At that point, you just have to laugh at yourself!” she says.

7. Zendaya

Nowadays, whenever Zendaya hits the red carpet, people talk about her looks, and fans try to find movie references in her outfits. But even Zendaya had a fashion mishap early in her career. When asked about her biggest fashion regret, she recalled, “A long floral dress I paired with booties.”

“It wasn’t very flattering—I hadn’t figured out my style much back then. I was 13 at the time, but still.”

8. Jonas Brothers

While exploring their individual styles, the Jonas Brothers experienced some “dark times.”

“We all had a phase with Ed Hardy, you know, the hat, T-shirt, shoes — and if you were lucky, the jeans!” confesses Nick Jonas when talking about his biggest fashion mistakes. “Top to bottom. Dark times. But sometimes you have to go through the awkward phases to figure out what to wear without looking crazy.”

9. Mariah Carey

Talking about her early career style, Mariah Carey remembers resisting the all-black outfits her stylists would dress her in. “They put me in a lot of blacks,” she recalls. “It was like, ahhh, such a long story. You don’t even wanna know.”

10. Diane Kruger

Taking fashion risks doesn’t always work out, even with a reliable design team. Diane Kruger recalls her first Golden Globe outfit as one of the worst in her career. “I love the designers, and I don’t know why we talked ourselves into this dress,” Kruger says.

“It was gold, and my belly was exposed, but I decided to do retro hair — I had a short bob then. It was not a good look, and I think that will be remembered.”

Some people may have the outfit on check, but the universe decided to surprise them in another way. These people forgot their daily dose of luck at home.


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