10 Celebrities Who Were Brave Enough to Openly Share Stories About Their Insecurities

2 years ago

Few people are 100% satisfied with what they see in the mirror. Celebrities also have insecurities. Some of them are not embarrassed to admit it. Maybe, if we find out that our favorite celebrity that seems perfect to us, also has some things they don’t like about themselves, it will be easier for us to deal with our own complexes.

We at Bright Side have found celebrities that don’t like something about their appearances and who weren’t shy to share it with the entire world.

Scarlett Johansson

The star of the Marvel Universe admitted that she doesn’t like her body: “I don’t like my thighs, my midsection.” At the same time, Scarlett is in the top 10 most beautiful women of all time, and many women would like to have a body like hers.

Ian Somerhalder

It’s almost unbelievable, but the star of Lost and The Vampire Diaries, the blue-eyed blonde Ian Somerhalder, had self-esteem issues due to his pointy ears. It’s most likely because his father used to call him “elephant.”

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie’s appearance has been the catalyst for jealousy among women all over the world. But it turns out that even she thinks she has drawbacks, and she doesn’t like them.

She said, “I struggle with low self-esteem all the time! I think everyone does. I have so much wrong with me. I’m odd-looking. Sometimes I think I look like a funny Muppet.”

Cindy Crawford

Famous supermodel Cindy Crawford said that she was shocked once when she saw photos of herself taken by the paparazzi. She didn’t look anything like she usually did in her iconic photos. She said, “At times, the pressure to live up to the fashion industry’s expectations feels overwhelming.” She openly admits that, with time, her waist has become wider.

Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts has been on magazine covers many times, and she was named one of the most beautiful women on the planet. But for a very long time, the actress thought about the insecurities she had when she was young. She thought she had a big ugly mouth and that her beautiful curly hair looked like straw.

When she turned 50, she admitted, “I would like to rewind my life back to start her with more confidence.”

Robert Pattinson

It’s hard to believe this, but Robert Pattinson, who was named the most attractive man in the world, was too shy to remove his shirt because of Taylor Lautner’s body (Lautner was his colleague in Twilight). Robert said, “I had never been so worried about that before, but after seeing how much Taylor works out for the movies, I started to think about positions where I could tense the muscles, and suck in my belly.”

Uma Thurman

The long-legged, gorgeous Uma Thurman spent the first 14 years of her life believing that her appearance was awful. She frankly said, “I know adolescence is painful for everyone, but mine was plain weird. There was a nonstop changing of schools, no friends, and only acting to hide behind... Even today, when people tell me I am beautiful, I do not believe a word of it.”

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley has said that she had very low self-esteem. Even when she got an Oscar, she couldn’t take praise seriously. At the start of her career, the actress noticed that other thin people like herself also had confidence issues.

She once told, “I’m not Wonder Woman. I have self-esteem problems. Everybody does. You know, skinny people are allowed to feel bad about themselves. I have noticed being skinny creates an anger in people who are not skinny. People like to blame their insecurities on other people.”


The beautiful singer confessed that she didn’t like her body, “I wished I was taller, had longer legs, slimmer hips, a smaller bottom, even straighter hair. I’m just like all women — we’re born to criticize ourselves.”

In 2001, Shakira went through therapy to change her attitude toward herself. “I’ve become so much more comfortable with who I am. In their twenties, women try to be somebody they’re not and try to turn themselves into something different. Now I’m in my thirties, I’m very happy with who I am.”

Nicole Kidman

The Hollywood actress, loved by so many people, once said something very unexpected about her seemingly perfect appearance, “I would love to have a body like Jennifer Lopez. I honestly would. Jennifer’s gorgeous, and Sophia Loren is someone I’ve always cited for her curvaceous body. You’re born with what you’re born with.”

And also, Nicole Kidman admitted that she was very shy until her husband, musician Keith Urban, helped her with her self-esteem, “He gave me confidence just by being very kind and understanding.”

What insecurities do you have that you would like to get rid of? Tell us about them in the comment section below!

The remarkable bond between Angelina Jolie and her adopted son Maddox, which began in a Cambodian orphanage, is a testament to the transformative power of love and the enduring connection between a mother and her child.


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