10 Essential Tips to Get Perfect Eyebrows

Girls stuff
year ago

Beautiful and natural-looking eyebrows are one of the hottest beauty trends. We here at Bright Side have come up with this useful guide on how to make your eyebrows look absolutely gorgeous at home, without spending a fortune on salons and makeup artists.

Before you start...

You need to determine if your brows are thick enough. Don’t worry if you discover that your eyebrows don’t meet some standards or trends for thickness. You can always try to grow thicker brows. Before going to bed, try massaging your eyebrows for 3-5 minutes using castor oil, olive oil, or almond oil for faster hair growth. A healthy diet can also work its magic not only on your hair, but also on your whole body — include fish (especially salmon), nuts, raisins, and soy products in your diet. These will stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. You won’t have to wait long to get amazing results.

Find the perfect eyebrow shape for your face shape

  • If your face is round, try to create as high an arch as you can. Look for a brow shape that follows a straight line to the peak of the brow, and stay away from a rounded brow shape. This will make your face look very round.
  • For a square face, consider a curved brow shape, soft, or hard-angled shape. Stay clear of thin and short brow shapes.
  • Women with a heart-shaped face should stick with a low arch and rounded brow shape, as it creates a more natural look. Avoid a highly arched brow: it can add length to a shorter heart-shaped face.
  • If you have an oval face, choose a flat and soft-angled eyebrow shape. Those should go straight up, and then gently curve around at the top.

To identify the three points that you will need to look at when shaping your eyebrow, use the ’pencil’ method. Place a pencil in a straight line along the side of your nose — this is going to be the beginning (inside) of the brow. Next, place the pencil along your nose and across your pupil. This will be the arch and the highest part of your brow. Now move the pencil so that the end of your nostril and the outer edge of your eye are in line — this is the end of your brow.

How to pluck the perfect eyebrows:

When you’re done with the theoretical material, get ready to proceed to the practical part. Take your tweezers and start plucking! We thought these small tips might come in handy to get amazing results:

  • Make sure you’ve made yourself comfortable and have good lighting. Invest in a high-quality pair of tweezers — this essential instrument you’re using has to be effective in tweezing the eyebrow and grabbing the hair.
  • Run an ice cube over your brows to reduce the redness, swelling, and pain, or apply some skin moisturizer.
  • Be careful when plucking the area above the brow: if you go too far and over-pluck it, the brow will look unnaturally thin. After every few tweezes, take a couple of steps back to see the bigger picture and evaluate the result.
  • Use a special brush to comb your eyebrows, and trim any hairs that stick up above the brow line with a small pair of nail scissors or eyebrow scissors.

How to fill in eyebrows:

Now let’s get to the most difficult and probably the most challenging part of the whole thing — how to fill in the eyebrows so that they look thicker and more natural. If your brows are lighter than your hair color, you can try coloring them using a special eyebrow dye.

Keep in mind that the color of your eyebrows should be very close to the tone of your hair. If you choose a color that is a couple of tones darker than your hair, your eyebrows will look rather unnatural.

You can fill in your eyebrows using a pencil, eyebrow powder or shadow, and brow mascara. A pencil helps you create a more natural look and conceal sparseness. Using brow powder you can get thicker eyebrows, whilst brow mascara is a must-have for women with rebellious thick eyebrows.

The basic steps for getting your perfect eyebrows are almost the same no matter which filling instrument you’re using:

1. Use an eyebrow brush to lightly brush brow hairs, line the bottom curve of the brow, and fill in the hairless spots.

2. Make the tail of your brow if needed, and outline the top and bottom edges of your brow. Be careful with the margins of your natural brow shape; don’t apply too much color, especially near the bridge of the nose.

3. If you want the brow shape to look more well defined, try to highlight the skin between the eyebrow and the eyelid. To do this, apply a few drops of concealer and blend thoroughly, then apply some highlighter under the eyebrow, and you’re good to go!

Here is a short eyebrow trim tutorial:

There you go! You’re now the proud owner of some nicely shaped, gorgeous eyebrows!

Based on materials from Shape.com, Elle.com


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