15+ Parents Who Know Firsthand That Children Are Not a Beautiful Picture but Hard Work

When people sneak around, thinking they’ll never get caught, fate often has other plans, usually in the most awkward and public ways. These 10 stories prove that secret flings have a way of revealing themselves, and when they do, the fallout is unforgettable.
He told me he was going on a business trip for the weekend. It was nothing out of the ordinary, just the usual work stuff. He took a selfie, the kind he always sent me for reassurance. There was one thing that made my heart stop.
I saw a woman in the reflection. She wasn’t standing off to the side, like a colleague or a guest. Her arm was draped over his shoulder. He confessed later and we broke up.
As a sportswriter for a daily newspaper, I was assigned to cover high school football games across the region. I happened to be working a game in my hometown one Friday night. My then-wife took her turn as a band booster mom, working the concession stand at that same game. She had no clue I was there that night.
Sitting in the press box keeping stats for my story, I used binoculars to better see the game. I spotted my wife in the visitors-side concession stand. Standing next to her was a man.
When I saw them kiss, I knew. We eventually divorced. They were married about a year, then divorced.
geelee***ert / Reddit
He called me to tell me he was at his guy friend’s house. “Okay, love you, have fun.”
Two seconds later, my phone rings again, and I can hear him and a woman laughing at “how easy that was.”
ArtoftheEarthMG / Reddit
We broke up, I made a new friend, and she asked if I had a boyfriend and I told her we’d just ended the relationship. I also told her his name and she replied, “I had a boyfriend with that name too not so long ago!”
It wasn’t a common name in our area, so I laughed, and I showed her a picture. She did the same, and we stopped laughing. It was the same guy. We both dated him for like 4 months, and 2 of those at the same time.
2_Steps_From_***_ / Reddit
I received an “anonymous” email from someone who felt I “deserved to know” that he was seeing someone else. The email included details about the relationship and several screenshots.
99% sure it was sent by his side chick who wanted a promotion to main chick. I gracefully gave her the promotion, and he found a replacement for her old position shortly thereafter.
apostate456 / Reddit
My ex had his Apple Watch sitting on our counter top with a notification from Tinder. He had a new match.
Unknown author / Reddit
An employee of mine slid into her DMs. We laughed it off. I trusted her. The dude didn’t have a chance, for sure. I went to bed so I could get ready for work that night.
The next day, she was acting funny and changed the passcode on her phone. I waited until our daughter was playing on it, then asked her to let Daddy see Mommy’s phone. Mommy was a liar.
Unknown author / Reddit
The dude she was with introduced her to Reddit, she introduced it to me, I looked at the history of her account, accidentally found his, and turns out he’d been bragging about his new girlfriend and how they’re going to get married and blah blah blah.
Their dates lined up with a lot of her “business trips”. Called her out, she confessed. That was that.
DiamondPup / Reddit
I worked at a coffee shop and had a fling with a regular, a guy who was way too good-looking for me. One day, his girlfriend walks in, and I accidentally spill a whole latte on her lap. She jumps back, furious, and then looks up at him.
The realization hits us both at the same time, she knew. Her eyes go from shock to rage, and she starts yelling at him. He stumbles over his words, trying to apologize, but she’s not having it. She storms out, dragging him behind her like a puppy. He never came back after that.
At my friend’s wedding, everything was perfect until a woman in a red dress stormed in. She marched straight up to him and yelled, “This is why you stopped texting me?!” The room went silent.
Turns out, he’d been secretly dating Emily for months, ghosting her a week before his wedding. She had no idea he was engaged.
The bride calmly tossed her bouquet aside and walked out, taking the entire bridal party with her. The reception turned into a Sarah support party. She moved on to a much better guy.
Sometimes, life has a way of delivering justice so flawlessly that you can’t help but appreciate it. Karma always knows how to balance the scales. In this article, we found 10 stories that show what goes around really does come around — and when it does, the payoff is utterly satisfying.