14 Stories That Prove Life Is Full of Unexpected Twists

2 hours ago

You don’t have to look for movies with unexpected plot twists. Real life can be sometimes full of turns, too. And we can’t help but wonder if our life is actually a movie. Here are a few stories like this.

  • My future husband and I lived in the same building, but on different floors. And then fate brought us together. We had a stormy romance.
    And in one beautiful evening, after a year of relationship, I asked a purely female question, “Honey, why did you fall in love with me?” He said, “Well, you live close by.” I was so angry with him that night, but I don’t ask such questions anymore. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • The other day I was in a toy shop, was choosing a toy car as a gift to my nephew. In the department with dolls, where I went to dream about what I didn’t have as a child, I accidentally overheard a conversation.
    A little girl was asking her mom to buy her a doll’s house, “Mom, please, it has everything — a washing machine, a kitchen, a bathroom, and even 3 beds!” And the woman replied, “Diana, we had a deal, remember? 3 or more digits on the price tag means it’s not for sale.” © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I recently found a phone on the street. I took it with me to give it back to the owner in case they started looking for it and called. When I got home, I put the phone on the charger and waited for a call.
    In the evening, the contact “Honey” rang. I happily picked up the phone and said that I had the phone. The girl replied that it was her boyfriend’s phone and asked me to throw the device out the window.
    I was confused and asked if she was joking. And the girl said her boyfriend cheated on her. I hung up the phone and started waiting for a call from someone else. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I’ve always had a sport style in clothing. But for the thesis defense, a friend and my mom persuaded me to buy pumps to go with my trouser suit. I bought them and decided to walk around in them.
    And on my way out of the mall, I slipped on the wet porch and fell on a man. I got a sprain on my right leg, he got a sprain on his left one. This was how our relationship began in the ER 7 years ago. And it would have just been a cute episode if it hadn’t happened again a year ago.
    We broke up, things seemed to be headed for divorce, we hadn’t even lived together for a month. But we met on the porch of the same shopping mall where he slipped and fell on me. Ambulance, I have a sprain on the left leg, and he has on the right one. We figured it was fate. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • One day I went shopping and got a taxi. The driver was a red-haired man. When we pulled over at my house and I opened the door, my red dog ran up to me.
    I said, “Well, ginger, are you going to help me carry the bags?” I got out of the car and saw the taxi driver standing there with my bags in his hands. I had to explain, “I was talking not to you, but to the dog.” It was awkward. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • One evening, I was sitting in the kitchen after work, drinking tea and silently listening to my husband. He was telling me a story about him going to the supermarket.
    How he couldn't find his black T-shirt, and then he found it. How he couldn't start the car, and then he did. How there was a red light all the time on the road, and then he got lucky, and it was only green light for almost a mile. How he couldn't find a sausage, and then found one. How he was insulted by a saleswoman, and how he deftly put her in place, and then he was driving home and listening to jokes on the radio.
    There was nothing interesting about the story, but he was telling it so long and in such detail as if he was retelling Star Wars, not how he went to the supermarket. That's when I realized: if I don't finish this now, I'll be listening to this nonsense for the rest of my life. We divorced a month later, and I never regretted it. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I taunted my little sister her entire life about the fact that she looked nothing like me and our dad. I always made "you're adopted" jokes about her and stuff. It became an inside joke between us - I'd tell her we found her on the doorstep, and she'd say, "Thank god, that means I'm not actually related to you." My parents kind of frowned at it because it was "mean" but my sister could take a joke, and she knew I was just teasing her; she joked about it herself.
    Found out a couple years ago that she was the product of a short-lived affair. My dad accepted her as his own, and my parents kept it a secret from everyone. They told her last year. I still make "maybe you're adopted" jokes about her, but they're 100 times funnier now. © ae____ / Reddit
  • I'm 2 months pregnant. My husband and I decided it was time to tell our daughter that she was going to have a sibling soon. Lisa is 10 years old and is an affectionate and gentle child. She always got all our attention, we loved and spoiled her very much.
    Well, we say all this to her, expecting joy or just surprise. But her face twists with anger, and she shouts, "No, I don't want to!" It was a real shock. We try to calm her down, explain how great it will be, and she's like, "I want to be the only child in the family! Do something about it, bring this child back! I don't want it!"
    Then she cried and now sits in her room and won't talk to us. I am so confused, I don't know what to do. And this is the reaction to my pregnancy so far. I am now scared of what might happen when the baby is born. © Mamdarinka / VK
  • I graduated law, and got engaged to the girl I had been with through university. We both applied for the same graduate program and ended up working in the same office in Canberra. 3 months before our wedding, I found out she was cheating on me with our mutual boss, and I broke it off with her. Long story short, it got really, really ugly and the 2 of us ended up in a very bitter court case over property.
    Canberra is a pretty small city and the legal world is pretty bloody small there, too, and everywhere I went I bumped into my ex. It was beginning to seriously get me down (her too, as it transpired), and I applied for an Australian government overseas development job in Tuvalu, a pacific island with about 11,000 population. It’s quite a prestigious job to get, with only 2 positions offered for a 2-year contract on a rotating basis.
    I was successful in the application and moved on-island to start my posting. To discover that my ex was the other successful applicant. I spent the next 2 years sharing a tiny office on a tiny island with the person that I quite honestly loathe more than any other in the world. © larriedbutmooking / Reddit
  • Years ago, my company was slowly going under, so I was looking for other jobs. I got a job with another company and put in my 2 weeks with my manager.
    Me: “I’ve been offered another job, and I’m taking it. I’m putting in my notice.”
    Manager: “Oh, well, we hate to lose you. Do you mind me asking where you will be going?”
    Me: “I’m going to [company].”
    Manager: “No...”
    Me: “...”
    Manager: “I applied for that position too.”
    Me: “I’m sorry to tell you that you didn’t get it.” © Contorto103 / Reddit
  • I was getting late to catch a flight and hadn’t checked in. Discovered when I reached the airport that I actually came to the wrong airport.
    Had to travel about 30 minutes to reach the other airport. Went to check-in about 20 minutes before my flight. They didn’t have any seats, so updated me to business class. Best flight of my life, so far. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • My girlfriend of 2 years moved a couple hours away to go to school. We saw each other most weekends. The weekend before Valentine’s Day we were together and it was great.
    The next weekend, on Valentine’s Day, I go to see her at her parents’ home. I see through the window as I walk up to the house, her and her fiancé are showing her parents an engagement ring. They got married, and after 6 years she discovered his other wife and kids. © thecultcanburn / Reddit
  • My wife and I have been married for 7 years. We have a seemingly perfect life: a good job, a cozy home, loads of friends. It all started a few months ago.
    My wife started staying late at work, began to hide her mobile phone. And then I accidentally saw messages from a man on her phone. They were romantic. I also found some photos of my wife with him. My heart was pounding like crazy. But I told her everything.
    She was shocked. Turns out this guy was actually a therapist she’d been seeing to address personal issues. My wife said she had developed feelings for him and their relationship had become more than just professional. She assured me it was over, and she wanted to work on our marriage.
    I’m at a crossroads right now. On one hand, I want to leave, I feel betrayed and unable to trust my spouse anymore. On the other hand, I am thinking about trying to rebuild our relationship, especially given her willingness to seek help and her genuine remorse. © bogotabombshell / Reddit
  • I was riding a bus and looking at my smartphone. I was wearing a baseball cap and a hoodie. A lady in her fifties walked in. She pushed me and yelled, “Hey, don’t you want to give up your seat for a woman?!”
    I just took off my baseball cap and asked, “What’s the matter, daughter, are you tired?” I never understood why she then silently walked off to the back of the cabin. Maybe she was embarrassed by my smartphone that my adult grandchildren had given me for my anniversary? © SITUATION / VK

Probably many of us had some interesting stories at school too. And here are some stories about teachers who taught their students what true kindness is.

Preview photo credit bogotabombshell / Reddit


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