This article is so inaccurate
14 Things No Self-Respecting French Woman Would Do After Age 30
French women have long been famous for their unique, sophisticated style, and their feminine looks are always admired by foreign women. Many things have changed over the last century, but the way European women carry themselves, both in terms of fashion and manners, continues to delight masters and admirers of feminine beauty.
We at Bright Side have studied the lifestyle peculiarities of modern French women and want to share our observations with you.
1. French women don’t resort to beauty injections.
“Love yourself and your body!” This life motto, which many French women have adopted, should be followed by all of us. While women in other countries, who are over the age of 30, fight hard against age-related changes with the help of beauty injections, residents of France are sure that even the most attractive appearances could never replace intelligence and character traits.
2. French women don’t share their problems with their girlfriends.
Modern French women have active lifestyles, which means they don’t devote as much time to their friends and their gatherings together. Girls from Paris and Marseille who value their time have learned to find a way out of this situation — instead of complaining to each other about careless husbands and harsh bosses, they spend their free time as carefree as possible, enjoying simple pleasures and, if necessary, turning to psychologists for help.
3. French women will never follow fashion trends to the detriment of their own health.
4. French women don’t rush into marriage.
While women in other countries want to get married as soon as possible, French women don’t try to tie the knot early. Modern statistics show that more and more European girls prefer to start looking for “the one” only after they’re 35 years old. Then, they tend to give birth to 2-3 children with a small age difference, having managed to make a career and acquire property beforehand.
5. French women don’t buy expensive clothes.
6. French women will never give up their careers in favor of raising children.
Maternity leave lasts only 4 months in France, and after this period, a woman is obliged to go back to work and let her child be raised by a nanny or relatives. However, even this unpleasant circumstance won’t force a modern French woman to abandon her career and devote herself entirely to her family and children. In this country, long-term maternity leave may lead to a loss of seniority and a lack of career prospects in the future.
7. French women don’t like cleaning and going shopping.
Modern French women are bright and busy people who spend little time on cleaning, cooking, and going on shopping sprees at the mall. That’s why French women hire maids, buy things online more often, and prefer to spend their free time outdoors with their children.
8. French women don’t follow diets.
While the rest of the world is trying to adhere to standards of beauty established by someone else, adult Parisian women don’t even think about interval fasting or strict diets. Instead, French women enjoy their favorite cakes and croissants and only slightly restrict themselves when it comes to snacks and dinners.
9. French women don’t sweat the small stuff.
The famous phrase “l’art de vivre,” which translates to “the art of living,” didn’t originate in France for no reason — the French people’s ability to enjoy every moment while caring little about the opinions of others can only be envied. It’s likely this quality that allows older ladies to remain vigorous and energetic as they age.
10. French women don’t leave the house without a scarf around their neck.
This stylish detail donned by most French women immediately catches the eyes of tourists — Parisian girls are very fond of wearing scarves. Although this simple and affordable accessory is unlikely to protect them against bad weather, it perfectly masks the age of whoever’s wearing it and hides wrinkles on the neck.
11. French women don’t get their nails done in salons.
Few people know this, but the famous French manicure wasn’t actually invented in France, but rather, in the US. French women don’t like to go to nail salons — they’re content with the natural look of their nails, free of any decorative elements. Because of the high cost of such beauty services, French fashionistas prefer short, unpolished nails without rhinestones and drawings on them.
12. French women don’t eat in noisy places.
Local cafés here don’t turn on loud music on purpose — they help busy Parisians forget about the crazy rhythm of the big city, at least for a minute. Keeping in mind that Hemingway and Sartre themselves worked on their masterpieces in such places, restaurateurs try not to disturb their visitors for frivolous reasons, contributing to the unique atmosphere of French cities.
13. French women aren’t ashamed to wear bright lipstick during the day.
Bright lip color is a hallmark of true French women who know a lot about natural makeup but still like to keep things interesting. Parisians love to wear red lipstick, and in order for the look to be harmonious, they don’t use many other makeup products at the same time. So, instead of spending a lot of money on foundation, concealer, and powder, French women buy skincare products and red lipstick — the very final touch for their nighttime and daytime looks.
14. French women boldly cut bangs but don’t like to dye their hair.
Even the incredibly stylish Sophie Marceau, one of the most famous French actresses, likes to boast casual bangs. Marceau is a fan of naturalness — both her everyday and evening looks perfectly characterize the philosophy of Parisian girls who have recently crossed the 30-year mark. However, bangs are pretty much the only reason why French women ever visit hairdressers — when it comes to ordinary hair dyeing, even famous actresses don’t want to go against Mother Nature and only go so far as to tint their gray hair.
What features about the lives of modern French women do you like?
This is SO NOt true.
1: If the majority prefer the naturalist all good but where is the individualism?
2: You cannot clarify a post such as this without taking into account those who prefer whatever unique style they feel is theirs.
3: l would be interested to know where they got their "Facts" and what amount of French women were polled to get their Data.
4: If they are trying to say women are voluntarily conforming to these standards and that this is what the majority want, l would gladly suggest they go back and recheck their claims, as there are just as many "punks," "rockers" etc the World over who make their Own choices!
Well, it seems like I'm french woman without knowing that and I'm from Eastern Europe.
If this is true, they just sound lazy and self-centered to me. Not a great role model imo
Whoever wrote this knows NOTHING about French women! So typical of Brightside....

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