
“Stop Equating Thinness With Health and Happiness,” How Lena Dunham Inspires People to Fall in Love With Their Curves and Scars

“Stop Equating Thinness With Health and Happiness,” How Lena Dunham Inspires People to Fall in Love With Their Curves and Scars
year ago

There are so many things in the world that we may admire or even get inspired by, but there’s one main thing we may want to fall in love with before we start noticing the beauty of other things. It’s our own reflection in the mirror. Among all the numerous recipes for conjuring up self-love within ourselves, psychologists advise us to never compare ourselves to others and stop caring about other people’s opinions. Actress and producer Lena Dunham knows a lot about cultivating love for her own body despite all the criticism she faced, and she happily shares her journey with us all.

Scientists Suggest Your Birth Month Influences Your Health and Personality

Scientists Suggest Your Birth Month Influences Your Health and Personality
3 years ago

People who are born in May are prone to be optimists, while those born in November tend to see the world through the opposite lens. Many researchers have tried to understand how different one can be based on the season and month they’re born in, and are succeeding at it. One study says that your birth season and month might influence your personality and skills. Actually, your health too, according to data gathered from 1.7 million people, studying 1,688 conditions.

5 Toxic Fabrics That Can Be Harmful to Your Health and What You Can Wear Instead

5 Toxic Fabrics That Can Be Harmful to Your Health and What You Can Wear Instead
11 months ago

Warm sweaters or light dresses, our favorite athletic leggings, or shaping underwear — so many things around us are made from synthetic materials. Even though they look good and comfortable, they can be dangerous for your skin and your general health, from bad odors to skin, rashes, nausea, or something even worse. Chemicals in synthetic fabrics aren’t the best companions for our skin.

9 Simple Medical Tests to Check Your Health Right Now

9 Simple Medical Tests to Check Your Health Right Now
10 months ago

In order to take good care of your health, you should have a full medical examination at least once a year. However, you should also watch out for your health between doctor visits. There are special tests that you can do in order to diagnose a serious illness, even before the first symptoms appear.

How Sugar Can Damage Your Health and What You Can Do to Stop It

How Sugar Can Damage Your Health and What You Can Do to Stop It
5 years ago

American scientists found out that sugar is not as dangerous for our health as we think. More than that, a small amount of sugar is even necessary for our body to function properly. But we often eat too much ice cream, chocolate, cheesecake, and other tasty food. As a result, we gain extra weight, get early wrinkles, have acne, and get even more serious health problems.

8 Important Health Tests You Can Do at Home

8 Important Health Tests You Can Do at Home
9 months ago

Some people avoid preventive medical examinations because of lack of time or a fear of doctors. But you can perform several tests to get necessary information about your health without having to leave your own home. These methods will help you understand whether it’s high time you turned to an expert or if everything is just fine and there’s no need to worry.

12 Healthy Habits That Can Come Back to Bite You If You Overdo Them

12 Healthy Habits That Can Come Back to Bite You If You Overdo Them
3 years ago

You may feel surrounded by a lot of information claiming to “guide” you on how to become “healthier” or “happier,” promising to add “more” to your life. We suggest not believing everything that you hear or read. Some myths are just this: myths. Display reasonable doubt when something seems too crazy to be true or, even better, do your own research and see what’s suitable for your own body and mind.

10 Good Scandinavian Habits That Keep Them Healthy and Attractive

10 Good Scandinavian Habits That Keep Them Healthy and Attractive
3 years ago

Scandinavians are famous for their recipes for happiness — lagom and hygge. Though these philosophies are quite popular even outside of Northern Europe, in reality, for a good life you only need a little bit more than a cup of hot tea and a fireplace. Despite the harsh climate, Scandinavians have a fairly long life expectancy and are mostly in good health.

13 Smart Gadgets That Can Help You Live a Healthier Life With No Sweat

13 Smart Gadgets That Can Help You Live a Healthier Life With No Sweat
2 years ago

We like to say to ourselves, “Okay, I have to start running in the morning, following a diet, taking care of my weight, drinking healthy liquids, and getting enough sleep.” But later we often face certain difficulties that stop us from putting our ideas into practice. Fortunately, there are many smart gadgets that can take care of our health for us.

The Unexpected Reason Why Men Are Afraid of Menstrual Periods, Although It’s Normal

The Unexpected Reason Why Men Are Afraid of Menstrual Periods, Although It’s Normal
Girls stuff
2 days ago

The topic of menstruation often remains shrouded in mystery and discomfort. Despite its natural and essential role in women’s health, the periods can evoke fear and unease among men, largely due to misconceptions and lack of education. This fear is not only rooted in a misunderstanding of the biological process, but also in the cultural stigmas that have persisted for generations.

I Suspect the Delivery Driver Is Messing With My Food

I Suspect the Delivery Driver Is Messing With My Food
month ago

Emma, a stay-at-home mom, found herself in a troubling situation with her food deliveries. She suspected that the delivery driver was tampering with her orders. Emma was worried about her safety but didn't want to give up the small joy of having food delivered after a long day of caring for her family. Unsure whether to confront the issue or play it safe, she turned to Bright Side for advice.

My Husband Faked a Serious Illness, I Found Out the Reason Why He Did It and I’m Numb With Shock

My Husband Faked a Serious Illness, I Found Out the Reason Why He Did It and I’m Numb With Shock
month ago

The heroine of our today's article experienced one of the most painful situations in her family. Her husband was diagnosed with a potentially terminal illness. When she found out about this, her life changed in a snap of a finger, but her shock was so deep when she discovered that her beloved spouse lied to her about his terrible diagnosis. Now, the woman knows the reason why he did this, and she can't keep silent about her outrageous family issue. She wanted to speak up about it, and she wrote us an emotional letter where she asked us for a piece of advice.

My Husband Cheated on Me, But Instead of Leaving Him I've Been Taking Revenge on Him for 8 Years

My Husband Cheated on Me, But Instead of Leaving Him I've Been Taking Revenge on Him for 8 Years
month ago

Revenge is best served when it's chilled, and today's heroine knows it for sure. A woman named Greta has recently penned a letter to our editorial and told us her mind-boggling story which started with such a painful thing as infidelity. Greta didn't want her husband to just leave after he had an affair with another woman behind her back. She wanted him to feel all the pain that she felt when she discovered his side romance, and it took her long 8 years to get a revanche over her betraying spouse. Let's find out more about this intricate story and Greta's feelings about everything.

I Stalked My Husband for Three Years Before Our First Meeting — But I’m NOT a PSYCHO

I Stalked My Husband for Three Years Before Our First Meeting — But I’m NOT a PSYCHO
month ago

A woman has recently reached out to Bright Side, sharing her story anonymously, delving into the intricacies of her love life. She hopes to connect with others and gather advice on a delicate matter: whether she should disclose the true story of her acquaintance with her husband or continue to keep it hidden. Her fear of losing her significant other weighs heavily on her mind as she navigates this decision.

13 Things That Are Not Worth the Money We Spend on Them

13 Things That Are Not Worth the Money We Spend on Them
Tips & tricks
month ago

With the help of colorful advertising, manufacturers manage to sell us absolutely useless things. We diligently search for these items on the supermarket shelves, spend a lot of money on them, recommend them to our friends and family, and then we are disappointed to find out that they are totally useless. Or that they work quite well, but are very overpriced.

Jessica Simpson Finally Revealed the Secrets to Her Huge Weight Loss

Jessica Simpson Finally Revealed the Secrets to Her Huge Weight Loss
2 months ago

In the world of celebrity culture, discussions about weight loss often come with a side of unrealistic expectations and quick fixes. However, Jessica Simpson has emerged as a source of realistic and sustainable health practices, shifting the conversation from body shaming to body positivity.

Justin Bieber Shares Crying Photos and Fans Are Worried

Justin Bieber Shares Crying Photos and Fans Are Worried
2 months ago

From his meteoric rise to fame as a teenager to his more recent successes in music and personal growth, Justin Bieber’s journey has been closely followed by millions. However, it’s not just his chart-topping hits and sold-out concerts that keep fans invested in his story; it’s also his willingness to share his struggles and vulnerabilities, particularly through social media platforms.