Yes to this! 😊
14 Women Shared Why They Waited Until They Were Older to Have Kids
Lately, more and more women are delaying having children for various reasons. While some choose to focus on their careers and travel, others feel they just aren’t ready yet for this life-long commitment. No matter what their reasons were, women who became first-time mothers in their late thirties are happy they waited and feel like it’s the perfect time to welcome a child into their lives.
We at Bright Side are truly happy for these women who feel that waiting to have kids was the right choice to make.
Do you think it’s better to have kids in your twenties or in your thirties? What are the pros and cons of being an older parent?
Honestly it just depends on the person. I was never a partier or anything. Still do not care for it. I had my kids at 21 & 22, do not regret it. Everyone has different mindsets and goals in life. Mine is to be the best mother I can be.

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