15 Exquisite Christmas Tree Designs You Can Make in No Time at All

year ago

Buying a real fir tree or even just assembling an artificial one immediately adds 100 points to your Christmas mood. So imagine how good you’ll feel if you create your own in your cozy living room with the whole family taking part?

Bright Side would like to draw your attention to 15 ideas for alternative Christmas trees that you can easily make with your own hands.

A Christmas tree made of family photographs — for the most heartwarming memories

You can stick the photographs right on the wall or use some backing paper. A more complex version of this idea involves making your own stand from pieces of wood. This might just be the most heartwarming idea for a Christmas tree there is.

A Christmas tree made from real or artificial fir tree branches

A minimalistic yet elegant idea. A big plus here is that you can decorate it with any ornaments you like.

A bright 2D Christmas tree on the wall

You can either buy this one or make it yourself with the help of scissors and glue — create your own simple yet beautiful pattern.

A Christmas tree made from fairy lights

Making this one is extremely simple, but it looks impressive and makes your home feel very cozy indeed. Step-by-step instructions can be found here.

A Christmas tree made from string

Another great idea for those who love handicrafts. Find out how to make your own here.

A simple tree made from rope

You can make this one in just five minutes. Find out how to do it here.

A Christmas tree made from pine cones

An easy-to-make variant that comes to us literally right from the forest. Even with just one pine cone you can make something beautiful. Find out how to make both large and small versions here.

An ornament Christmas tree

Select some attractive wrapping paper and simply stick it to the wall, imitating the shape of a real tree.

A cone-shaped tree made with thread

A painted Christmas tree

You can either buy this variant or paint it yourself. This is a great idea for those who have too little space at home for the real thing.

A Christmas tree made from baubles

Where would we be at Christmas without baubles? The advantage here is that there’ll be space for your entire collection. It also looks bright and cheerful.

A tree made from souvenirs and ornaments

You can use all your favorite little things you have lying around the house for this one, from postcards and fridge magnets to figurines and soft toys. The result feels warm and homely.

A cone-shaped Christmas tree made with string

A tree made from wrapping paper and ribbon

Don’t know what to do with your leftover wrapping paper? Don’t rush to throw it away: you can make these cute little Christmas trees with it.

A cardboard tree

A great idea that requires a little effort to realize, but the result is definitely worth it. Find out here how to make this festive wonder using only a few pieces of cardboard.

Preview photo credit livemaster.ru


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