15+ Stories That Prove a Remote Job Requires Nerves of Steel

4 hours ago

Some people don’t even suspect that working remotely is not boring at all. This work is not inferior to office work, and in some respects it even outdoes it.

  • I got a remote job. I recently had a serious video call. My husband, apparently, is not used to the fact that I work from home. While I was concentrating on making notes in my notebook, everyone fell silent for some reason.
    I looked at the screen and instantly realized what was the matter. My husband was walking behind me in polka-dot underwear. I apologized to my colleagues and turned off the video, but I still hear jokes about my special love for polka dots. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I work remotely. On one of my working days, I was in a shopping mall. I got a text from my boss asking me to send important documents within an hour. I didn’t find a café with sockets, so I decided to sneak into the children’s room of the restaurant.
    After making sure it was empty, I sat down on a pouffe and sent the documents. I felt so cozy on the pouffe that I fell asleep. I was woken up by a security guard who walked me out of the room. © Caramel / VK

"My lazy coworker has no personal bubble."

  • I work remotely, and can’t concentrate because the neighbor from above always drills something. I knocked on his door. A clean-looking man opened the door, and there was no sign of repairs in his flat. I asked him if he made loud noises every day.
    He said yes, but he wasn’t doing repairs, he was drilling curb stones. I’m standing there in shock, and he says, almost crying, “I caught my wife with another man in the flat, and now I’m trying to dull the pain with pointless work and noise.” © SHAME / VK
  • Conducted classes online. The students had their microphones turned off by default. Suddenly one student had the sound on, I could hear them talking, then the sound went off.
    When I asked what was going on, she said, “We are lying on the couch, the laptop is on the floor next to us, and the microphone was turned on by the dog.” I said, “We are having a seminar here.” And she replied, “Well, I’m listening.” © Overheard / Ideer
  • I work remotely. I had an urgent project. I gave the phone to my daughter, told her to play, and later we’ll go outside. She shouted something to me, and I nodded back at her. We went outside.
    I looked into the photo gallery and saw multiple photos of our cat’s litter tray with its contents. I asked my daughter, “Vic, what are these photos?” And she said, “Well, I told you that we should change the litter. You didn’t hear, so I took photos so you wouldn’t forget.” © Mamdarinka / VK

"I had to work from home today. He wanted his spot."

  • An acquaintance once told me that he got a remote job at a good firm. In the first week, they wanted to dump a lot of work on him. The boss called and said that she had problems with the Internet, so many tasks will be transferred to him.
    The friend wasn’t happy about this and said to her in a slightly rude way, “How about you use your cool phone as a modem or access point?” She hung up, but called back a couple of minutes later and said, “Thank you, Vincent, for the brilliant advice!”
    He was even given a bonus at the time, but was still sacked 3 weeks later for being rude and arguing. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • A colleague found out that there were talks in the office about my dismissal and told me about it. I work remotely, I don’t value my work very much, but still it was unexpected and not very pleasant. So, I had to think of something to buy some time.
    When I got the first call, I brought my cat. I praised him for about 20 minutes, saying that he eats a lot. I never got the news that day. The second time, I already praised my dog, and they never told me about my dismissal. The third time, I was asked not to turn on the camera and was dismissed. © Chamber 6 / VK

"My most important reason for working from home"

  • I work remotely. Sometimes I work in the coffee shop close to my house. I’m working, drinking coffee, eating a pastry. I turn my head to the left and see my neighbor making out with a young woman. The man noticed me too and kept looking at my table.
    I know his wife, she is a very nice woman, a wonderful and intelligent person. One day she was baking a cake and gave a piece to me, that’s how we met. I felt so uncomfortable about what was happening in the café. I was tempted to tell her, but I decided not to — let them sort it out themselves. © Work Stories / VK
  • I work in an office, and my husband works from home. Before leaving for work, I put the laundry in the machine and ask my husband to hang it up. But, no matter how many times I ask him to do it, my husband keeps forgetting.
    Every time I open the lid, I find wet clothes there. I am terribly annoyed, because the clothes begin to smell bad, so I have to rewash them. I got tired of the endless reminders and decided to do things differently.
    One day I took the forgotten laundry and hung it all over the flat: T-shirts hung on the chairs, socks on the doors, and towels on the sofa. Surprisingly, it worked. My husband noticed my efforts and realized how annoyed I was by his forgetfulness. Now, our fights on this topic are a thing of the past. © Mamdarinka / VK

"Working from home certainly has some perks."

  • After university, I decided to stay in the same city. I found a room in the old lady’s house, lived there and worked remotely. I stayed up late, as I wanted to earn more money. I am a domestic person: I don’t like partying, so I spent most of my time at home.
    The landlady became alarmed that I didn’t go to work, because she didn’t understand what remote work was because of her age. Over time, this lady began to pester me. She said that I disturb her with clacking on the keyboard, claimed that I use too much energy, and go to sleep too late.
    When I asked her how she knew that I went to bed late, the old lady said, “I asked the neighbor across the street to watch your window. He told me.” Soon I moved out, and eventually I was able to afford to rent a separate flat. Now I work whenever I want and I don’t bother anyone. © Caramel / VK
  • I live in a small residential complex, where all the neighbors know each other by sight, say hello, some even communicate. I work remotely, my sleep is disrupted, and I work mostly at night. And I can go outdoors to get some air at night too.
    When it became cold, I began to take a leather briefcase to sit on it on a bench. So, recently a neighbor told me how the mothers who she meets on the playground, tried to find out what was wrong with me. Because many have seen me coming home at night shaggy, in sweatpants, and with a leather briefcase in my hand. © Overheard / Ideer

"Winston will be taking my calls today. He actually gave up after 5 minutes and napped the rest of the day."

  • My boyfriend has been transferred to a remote job. He closes his work plan quickly, then he gets bored. Yesterday, he worked quietly, then suddenly ran to the bathroom and locked himself in there for an hour. I got worried.
    And then he came out with a towel on his head and my moisturizing mask on his face. He came up to me, smiled and said, “Now I’m gonna be a TikTok star!” Okay, I need to call his bosses. He needs to be taken back to the office, otherwise he won’t last at home. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • After giving birth, I finished a course on making money online and began to provide for myself. After 3 years, my husband began to hint that I should go back to work. I know that MIL was nagging him. He said: either you return to work, or we divorce.
    I moved back in with my parents. A week later, he started nagging me that there was no food at home, and his shirts haven’t been ironed. And I just sent him a link to a housekeeping course. © Overheard / Ideer

And here are stories about people who quit their office jobs to follow their calling.

Preview photo credit Overheard / Ideer


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