23 Highly Misleading Photos That Make Us Look Twice

Almost everyone has or knows someone with a funny or strange story to tell about his or her relationship with their neighbors. Some neighbors are sociable, others less so. And while many are seemingly normal and quiet, others are quite strange and “exotic,” to say the least. When it comes to the exotic version, the important thing is to not lose your cool and try to take things with a grain of salt. After all, if you don’t have a strange neighbor, you might want to ask yourself if you are the weird neighbor in the building.
At Bright Side we love to have fun and fill your day with things that make you laugh. That’s why, this time, we selected 17 stories from Reddit users about strange neighbors. Most of them are funny, some of them are simply astonishingly weird. Take a look for yourself!
My dad had a neighbor that played his radio loudly all day, even when he wasn’t home or was gone on vacation. Every time he left the house and his radio was still on, my dad would go and trip the circuit breaker to his condo. One day he sees my dad, who was an electrical engineer, and asked him why his breaker kept tripping — was it faulty wiring? No, my dad explained, the loud radio was probably just putting too much strain on the circuit because it was left on all the time. My dad suggested that he should try turning it down or off when he wasn’t home, and see if that fixed it. So the man tried it, and surprise surprise, the circuit breaker stopped tripping! @TheFeshy
I got home from work one snowy winter day after some new neighbors had recently moved in. They invited me in, but they apparently decided that paying for electrical baseboard heating throughout their apartment was too expensive... So they had a propane grill lit in the middle of the kitchen... Politely made a quick escape and called the landlord immediately. Luckily, they didn’t burn the place down. @immapikachu
As a kid, I’d take my dog on a walk. I was walking up the street toward a park, when a dog in someone’s back yard started barking at my dog. No big deal, it happens, right? Lady comes out and tells me to ’stop antagonizing [her] dog’ and saying I wasn’t allowed to walk my dog on that street anymore. I told my parents, and they just said to take a different route. @SmoSays
Did you like these stories? Do you have any similar ones you’d like to tell us? Now it’s your turn to share, don’t be shy! Who knows, we might use them to create a new article about crazy neighbor stories shared by our users!