If you’ve ever been on Tinder, you’ve probably come across truly unique profiles with unusual or simply amazing sense of humor. Whether you swiped right or left, you may have paused your scrolling for a bit. These 16 profiles would grab anyone’s attention.
2. “I’m banking on your standards being a lot lower than mine.”
3. “A truly amazing girl.” — The NYTimes
“Funniest person I know” — Louis CK
“By far my favorite grandkid” — Grandma
4. “Be honest, you swiped right for the first picture. If you have a sense of humor, swipe right.”
5. “Hello, I am a real human. I enjoy the human hobbies of breathing air and walking with my leg.”
6. “Ask me what the benefits of dating a guy in a wheelchair are.”
7. It’s this is not goals, I don’t know what is.
8. “We’re a package deal.”
9. “Not my kid. Just a buddy I watch YouTube with.”
10. “Just a simple stormtrooper looking for new friends and love. Likes: long walks on the dunes of Tatooine. Searching for droids.”
11. “By far the worst dancer I’ve ever danced with” — Ballroom dance partner.
12. “Just a technicolor puppet in a monochrome world. Looking to start fresh. I enjoy warm baths and nights out with the girls.”
13. “Don’t wanna overshare off the bat but here is the most disappointing moment of my life.”
14. “You know what I can’t stand? Sorry, let me re-emphasize. You know what, I can’t stand.”
15. “Hi, I’m Matt. I like doing normal stuff, like whistling through my blowholes.”
16. “Married. Couple of kids. Looking for some side action. Just kidding. Single. Looking for someone to bring to family events so they’ll stop thinking something’s wrong with me.”
Have you heard about the couple that met when the woman was 25 weeks pregnant and on their fourth date he attended her baby's delivery? Sounds otherworldly but it really happened!