17 People Showed Off Their Favorite Clothing Items They’ve Been Wearing for Decades

3 years ago

While some people try to follow all the new trends and search shops for ultrafashionable clothes, others just open their wardrobe, take out a skirt or a shirt that are sometimes older than they are, and look amazing. By looking at dresses or shoes that are decades old, we can only envy their durability and the loyalty of those who own them.

At Bright Side, we are pretty determined to search our own wardrobes in order to find forgotten old things that can be super trendy now. And with this article, we want to inspire you to do the same.

“This dress is 19 years old. I wear it every summer. It’s not that I don’t have clothes to wear, the dress is just universal. So far, I haven’t been able to find a replacement for it.”

“I got to wear my grandmother’s beautiful wedding dress from her 1974 backyard wedding for my rehearsal dinner.”

“These sandals were very cheap, I bought them just for one trip — to wear them out and throw them in the trash. But now, we’ve done so much together!”

  • They are probably made from adamantine fabric, the skin of an ice troll, mithril, and dragon heartstrings. © Irnbruman / Pikabu

“I found my grandfather’s athletic jacket which was bought around 1980. It was all dirty. But after the first wash, it became like new. Now I wear it with pleasure.”

“My grandmother gave me a wool dress and coat of hers from the 1950s. It’s been sitting in my closet for years and I finally decided to try it on. Pleasantly surprised!”

“I got this belt from my dad. It’s cool to know that you’re wearing a thing that’s 18 years and 11 days older than you.”

“My grandma’s dress. She wore it when she was my age.”

“My Lucchese 1883 boots I bought in 2004. They are still gorgeous after all these years and just keep getting better.”

“Thrifted from Bulgaria around 2 decades ago. Rail Road Worker steel toe boots. They haven’t moved an inch since the day I got them.”

“I’ve had these boots for 20 years.”

The same T-shirt, 21 years apart

“These are the sunglasses of my ex’s father. He used them in the late 1950s — early 1960s. I got them for my collection.”

“My mom bought this dress in 1991. She said it was Indian cotton. I wear it every summer. The colors haven’t faded, the fabric is like new. I guess I’ll have to hand it down.”

“I have a dress that my great-great-grandmother bought in the 1930-40s. I still wear it. It’s cool.”

“This blouse was given to my mother for her 20th birthday. 30 years later, I’m wearing it!”

“This is me wearing my great-grandmother’s traditional Finnish dress from 1936.”

“I took a photo of a friend wearing her grandmother’s dress from 1945.”

Do you have favorite items of clothes that you’ve worn for years? Tell us in the comments below.


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First picture is obviously fishing for compliments. You can barely see the dress. Pathetic.


and it seems like the clothes were just better quality that time, if people can wear them for so many years and those still look good


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