20 festive cities which will make you believe in magic

2 years ago

With New Year and Christmas being on our doorstep, the air itself is tingling/ filled with the anticipation of a magical fairy tale. And nothing makes this sensation more believable than the Christmas lights and decorations in the towns all over the world.

Brightside has made a compilation of 20 truly magical examples of city ​​illumination from different cities all over the world, which made us believe in magic again.

Christmas Ornament

Manezhnaya Square, Moscow, Russia.

Sparkling Ground

Clifton, Ohio, USA.

The Main Decoration

Paris, France.

Nothing Extra

Holiday fair, Salzburg, Austria.

Cinderella’s Castle, Disneyland, Florida, USA.

New Year Fair

Town hall, Vienna, Austria.

The Abundance of Lights

Red Square, Moscow, Russia.

With Warmest Wishes

Buddhist Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong, Australia.

Holiday Train

Houses of Parliament, Budapest, Hungary.

Golden Christmas Tree

Porto, Portugal.

Red Dragon

Festive decoration of the temple, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Spiral Tree

Lisbon, Portugal.

Holiday Mystery

A giant Ferris wheel London Eye, London, the UK.

Shape Is The Most Important Thing

Gliwice, Poland.

Fabulous Outlines

Korolev, Moscow Oblast, Russia.

Shops That Sell Magic

Maria-Theresien-Platz, Vienna, Austria.

Sparkling Fountains

Frankfurt, Germany.

Cozy Patio

Zürich, Switzerland.

Toy Store

São Paulo, Brazil.

Bright Holiday Lights

San Carlos, California, USA.


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