We’re so busy hustling round and round that we simply forget some trivial pleasures. Like one’s home, little poems, solitary walks, cute handmade gifts, and amusing things seen and overheard. So we at Bright Side found people who seized the day and were able to find beauty even in the tiniest things.
1. “I crocheted my granny a bear for her ninety-second birthday yesterday, and she immediately squeezed it and melted my heart.”
3. “I don’t have enough memory to play games on my phone. So my boyfriend just randomly showed up at work and brought his Game Boy from when he was a kid.”
4. “I had a Disney princess moment.”
5. “A small moment that made me smile”
6. “Caught the wedding photographer having a special moment of his own.”
7. “My child decided to ‘elf’ me this year. This is what I found the first morning.”
8. “Have to take a few months off work to travel south for health reasons. My coworkers surprised me with a cake and a stocking full of gas money.”
9. “I helped a stranger fix their Kitchen Aid mixer on a video chat. They thanked me by sending my family Edible Arrangements as a surprise.”
10. “During our summer holiday, a hotel housekeeper prepared this cute little surprise after cleaning my room.”
11. “It’s been an extremely busy and stressful week at work. Today my husband packed my lunch and included a sweet surprise to help me make it through the day.”
12. “I’m surprising my wife on Christmas with tickets to see her favorite band. However, the tickets I bought were digital-only. So I just designed, printed, and cut out ‘fake’ tickets I can wrap for her on Christmas morning.”
13. “Made this silver key ring for a mom with her daughter’s drawing. I’m in love with this sweet little drawing.”
14. “My sweet wife informed me that my beard was making me look ’old.’ So I did this for her this morning. I hope it makes her smile as much as it did me.”
15. “Broke my heart to get this from my wife’s sweet little 94-year-old grandmother.”
The note says: “Michael, I hope you like this tie, it was my husband’s.”
16. “I gave that soft toy to my girlfriend. She takes it everywhere she goes. The seat next to her was empty so she put the seat belt on it and later also gave it a hot towel.”
17. “A small child in the restaurant I work at drew me.”
18. “We may not have much, but we have each other.”
19. “Em is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So I decided to surprise him with a new toy.”
20. “I haven’t seen my mom smile for a long time, so I decided to give her a makeover and she kept saying she couldn’t believe she ’could still look this beautiful.’”
Have you ever found beauty in simple, tiny things around you? Do you like to make people’s days with simple gestures of care and attention? What is your approach, and is it really so hard to brighten somebody’s day, even for a single moment?