7 Ingenious Pet Bowls That Can Tame Fast and Messy Eaters

year ago

Some pets have the habit of eating so fast and greedily that they leave an unbelievable mess on the floor around their bowls. If this is the case with your furry friend, and you are fed up with cleaning the floor after their every meal, think about buying a bowl or a feeder that can tame your little messy eater. From non-slip and non-skid bowls to smart feeders with portion control, the market can offer a variety of solutions that can help your pets acquire healthier eating habits and keep your house clean.

We at Bright Side selected 7 pet bowls and feeders that can solve the problem of fast eating and messy floors easily and without stress.

1. You can place this insert into your dog’s favorite bowl and turn it into a slow feeder in seconds.

If your fast-eating dog is not ready to switch to a new bowl, there’s no need to stress out your furry friend. You can buy this insert that is specially designed to fit into the regular stainless-steel and ceramic bowls that many pets use. The insert works perfectly with both wet and dry food and can be washed manually or in a dishwasher.

Large suction cups placed at the bottom of the insert help it get firmly fixed in your dog’s bowl. It’s made of food grade silicone, and the insert is safe and odorless.

Promising review: This is a great little tool to help stop your dog from eating too fast! We have a miniature dachshund who LOVES his food and will inhale anything we feed him to the point where he’ll sometimes throw it back up because he’s eaten it too quickly. We tried feeding him his dinner with this slow feeder insert inside his usual bowl, and it worked great! It took him a good while longer to be able to pick all the kibble out of his bowl, which is exactly what we needed. It’s super easy to put in the bowl and to take it back out, and just as easy to wash it, ready for his next meal! @Mr M

Buy the dog bowl insert HERE

2. Slow eating bowl for cats and dogs that can prevent your fast eating pet from choking and overeating.

This bowl is designed to help fast-eating dogs and cats enjoy their meal while reducing the risk of choking, overeating, and vomiting and helping pets develop healthier eating habits. The intricate design leads pets around the bowl turning eating into fun and pleasure.

Promising review: Slow feeder bowl is doing exactly that for my greedy Jack-Chi. Slows down my dog’s feeding nicely, allowing for better digestion and allowing her to feel fuller by the end of the fun time she has eating. I think she actually enjoys the mental agility the bowl also offers and no longer finishes first and eats all of the other dogs’ dinners! Don’t hesitate buying from here... I’ll be going back. @C Bell

Buy the slow eating bowl HERE

3. Non-spill double bowl set for cats and dogs that will help you get rid of the mess your pets create when they eat and drink.

This item can serve as a full dinner set that you can use for your pet’s food, water, or both at the same time. No more knocking over, skidding, or spilling food and water on your floors! The silicone mat keeps the bowls in place no matter how passionately your pet eats.

The edges of the silicone mat also curve up to catch spills and splashes. Made of stainless steel, the bowls are heat and corrosion-resistant.

Promising review: My dog used to enjoy tipping his water bowl all over the kitchen floor. This product has ruined his enjoyment while increasing mine. I have a smaller amount of mess to clean up, and when he does get messy with his water, it’s largely contained within the rubber mat. Well worth the purchase! @The K

Buy the non-spill double bowl set HERE

4. Tilted, mess-free bowl that makes the food easier to reach (producing less mess on the floor) and comes in a variety of colors.

The tilted design of this bowl makes the food concentrate on its bottom, making it easier for your pet to reach the food with no mess. This design can be especially good for flat-faced cats and dogs, as well as elderly pets who have trouble eating from low bowls.

A rubber ring placed at the bottom of the bowl prevents it from sliding and protects the floor surface.

Promising review: This bowl is so well made and perfectly designed. The non-slip works well and is important as we have slippery hard floors. The detachable inner is stainless steel, so it will last and cleans easily. The design means the food is easily accessible and yet not spilling out of the bowl. Finally, it’s a bowl where bits of food don’t end up all over the floor. @N. Stanley

Buy the tilted mess-free bowl HERE

5. Non-skid raised feeder with 2 bowls that are suitable for cats, dogs, and even rabbits.

All food and water splashes that may appear while your pet is eating will end up on the base of this bowl set. A non-slip resin base keeps the bowl in place, so you can be sure there won’t be much mess around the floor. Stainless-steel bowls are removable, which makes it easier to clean them.

Promising review: These are a lot bigger than the cat bowls I had previously, but that’s quite good as it’s easier to mix the food in, and one water bowl is enough for all 3 cats, so I only needed to buy 2 sets, so they’ve all got a food bowl and share the water bowl. They’re really easy to clean, much more practical than the ones we had before. They also come with little rubber non-slip sticky things for the feet. @superwizon

Buy the non-skid raised feeder HERE

6. A splash-free water bowl, suitable for cats and dogs, that makes the water come from the hole when the pet’s tongue touches the floating disk.

Thanks to its non-spill design this water bowl is protected from overflowing and splashing. The bowl slows down your pet’s drinking, preventing them from vomiting and gulping. The design of the bowl also prevents dirt and pet hair from ending up in the water.

Promising review: I decided to try this, as we have an 8-month-old Cocker Spaniel staying with us regularly. She is a very messy drinker, sloshing water everywhere and dribbling so much water from her mouth as she walks away, causing puddles all over the floor. I showed her how it worked, and she took to it straight away, apart from one paw briefly dipped in! Slows her down but she still gets enough water. A tiny bit of dribble but incredibly different. Our wooden floors will survive! Will keep her ears drier too. Highly recommend this. @S Richardson

Buy the splash-free water bowl HERE

7. Automatic pet feeder with portion control and a 2-way splitter dispenser that can feed 2 pets at the same time.

This feeder can be programmed for up to 6 meals a day, and it will feed your pet (or pets!) at the right time, giving them the perfect amount of food. With the help of this feeder, you can help your pets stick to a healthy diet and eat with no mess, as there’s no extra food that’s always there in the bowl.

Promising review: I live alone and work a job where I am sometimes away for 12 hours or am on a night shift. Because of this, when I decided to get some kittens, I knew I needed something to feed them because I wouldn’t always be in at the right time. I have 2 cats, so the splitter included with this meant I only needed one machine — bonus! I found the instructions easy to understand and had to play with the machine to work out how much food was in 1 portion, so I could program in the right amount. I would suggest priming the machine with the manual serving button before you leave it because, if not, it may not spit out the correct amount of food the first time. One of my cats saw me refilling the hopper but couldn’t get in, although he tried his hardest. And the machine itself is low enough that it fits under a side table. Overall, I am very impressed. I am also entertained when I am home to see the feeder work! @Jenvia

Buy the automatic feeder HERE

Are your pets fast eaters or slow eaters? Which of these bowls and feeders would they appreciate and why?

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Preview photo credit Mr M./Amazon


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