A White Mother and Half-Jamaican Partner Welcome Twins With Different Skin Tones

After giving birth to twins with rare, distinct skin colors, a mother was astonished, prompting frequent inquiries about her relationship. Let’s dive in on her story to understand how this happened.

Chantelle Broughton often faces questions about her twins, Ayon and Azirah, due to their different skin tones. The twins showcase a remarkable one-in-a-million occurrence.

“I’m so glad they came out the way they are — our own unique little family,” she said.

Chantelle’s astonishment grew as she welcomed her son Ayon with fair skin and green eyes, only to be followed by the birth of her daughter Azirah, who had a notably darker complexion and brown eyes.

The mother further said, “Azirah was slightly darker at birth, but you couldn’t really tell. Now as weeks have gone on, she has gotten to the point where she’s darker than her dad.”

Auxiliary nurse Chantelle, though appearing to have a Caucasian heritage, identifies as mixed race due to her Nigerian maternal grandfather. In contrast, the kids’ father, Ashton, boasts a lineage that encompasses Jamaican and Scottish roots.

Chantelle, a mother of three, disclosed that while the twins appeared relatively similar at birth, Azirah’s skin tone progressively deepened in the subsequent weeks. As the twins reach four months of age, their personalities have diverged significantly, yet they appear to form a harmonious bond.

Chantelle notes that when she takes the twins out, they capture a lot of attention. She humorously speculates that people might assume they have different fathers. She says that people also stop her and ask if they are both hers.

But although rare, Ayon and Azirah aren’t the only different twins that got famous. Kamsi and Kachi were also born with divergent skin colors. Their mom, Judith Nwokocha, even thought one of her kids got replaced in the hospital. But it turned out that one of them was albino.


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