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Angelina Jolie has got herself some new tattoos — a tattoo on both of her middle fingers, to be exact — and the mysterious ink is making rounds on the internet. Her tattoo artist shared a photo of her palms and had fans wondering if the new tattoo is a nod to her ex-husband, Brad Pitt.
The tattoo artist asked fans to guess what the tattoo was, so the comments poured in. Some thought it might be a message for her ex-husband, Brad Pitt, while some got misled into thinking the blurred-out effect was actually her tattoo.
The truth came out later. In a photo shared by the tattoo artist, we can see It’s actually two dagger designs that look abstract and geometric. Mr. K said sorry for the confusion and explained that the tattoo isn’t about religion or any deep meaning. It’s just about the art itself.
Angelina Jolie loved getting inked; it’s no news. She has more than 20 of them on her body. Each tattoo has a unique story. The latest one is reportedly to show her love for sharp items, like knives.