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We at Bright Side have discovered some interesting research about who is more likely to have a boy or a girl and we want to share it with you.
The “natural” ratio at birth is around 105 boys per 100 girls, but only a third of women who experienced stress, like elevated hormone levels, blood sugar, body weight changes, and even markers of inflammation, had a boy, researchers noticed.
The pressures of everyday life can affect a baby’s sex in the womb. In some studies, specialists observed that women who experience any kind of stress are less likely to have a boy. They don’t consider this a cause that 100% influences the gender but say it’s one of the possible reasons you can count while planning your pregnancy.
Physical and emotional stress may lower your chances of having a boy because males are more vulnerable to adverse prenatal environments. There’s even more research that says male fetuses are less likely to survive, so our nature basically gives us more chances to have a healthy baby.
After careful observation, it was noted that giving birth to boys occurred 56% of the time in healthy women, 40% in psychologically stressed women, and a mere 31% in physically stressed moms.
The more social support a mother received, the greater the chances were of her having a male baby, researchers concluded after several studies.
3 different aspects of social support were found to make a woman feel less stressed.
Being physically stressed was also reported as something that could affect a future baby’s gender, but social support exerts a huge biological influence on the health of the mother, which can have impactful effects.
It’s important to feel safe and calm, and it’s good to practice relaxation to protect yourself from extra stress, especially during pregnancy.
Have you ever tried to plan the gender of your future baby? How did you manage stress during pregnancy?