I Refuse to Shave My Head to Help My Sister With Cancer

Family & kids
2 months ago

Helping a loved one with cancer is really tough, especially when it's family. This Reddit user had to say no to her sick sister's request and turned to the internet for advice to see if she made the right choice.

She explained the whole story.

That’s what people said about it

  • Your sister can get a wig from anywhere. She doesn't need your hair. She just doesn't want you to have it. She feels bad about losing her hair, and she wants you to feel bad, too. Watch out for ambush scissors attacks. Actual-Hamster4692 / Reddit
  • As a cancer survivor who lost some hair in the process, NTA. You shaving your head wouldn’t give her back her hair, it just makes both of you miserable. That’s not help or support. readthethings13579 / Reddit
  • While this is a scary illness, why do you have to drop even school to just sit around while she's in surgery? It is too much and could lead to resentment. Immontes / Reddit

There are many similar stories on the internet, like one where a woman refused to take care of her husband, who was undergoing cancer treatments.


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