The Poignant Moment Prince William Discovered That Kate Middleton Has Cancer

5 months ago

Catherine, Princess of Wales, just announced that she has been diagnosed with cancer. Initially, Buckingham Palace had declared the previous month that her condition was non-cancerous, and the discovery of cancer was made only after she underwent significant abdominal surgery at The London Clinic in January. Here is exactly when Prince William found out the news.

Prince William learned about his wife Kate’s cancer diagnosis just moments before he was supposed to attend King Constantine of Greece’s memorial service. He decided to pull out at the last minute, as revealed.

The absence of the Prince of Wales from the St George’s Chapel event at Windsor Castle on February 27 had sparked curiosity. However, tonight’s revelation about the princess’s health has provided new insight into why he chose to stay away.

As William steps back from frontline duties to care for the couple’s children while his wife recuperates, royal aides are anticipated to offer even greater support. The prince has been gradually adjusting his royal commitments to prioritize his family, especially since Kate’s initial admission to the London Clinic in January.

We wish Catherine, Princess of Wales a speedy recovery. A few weeks ago, the princess was spotted for the first time after her surgery. She was accompanied by her mother. Check her photo here.

Preview photo credit PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo


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