Watching Nature on TV Can Have Similar Effects as Going Out, a Study Finds

2 years ago

Spending time in nature is known to reduce stress and improve our mood but there’s more to it. Recently, research was done to find out whether enjoying nature from the comfort of our own homes delivered the same benefits, and what was discovered was truly surprising.

Bright Side would like to elaborate further on the study and what it means for our readers.

The study monitored people’s reactions to different videos.

A total of 96 people participated in the study conducted by the University of Exeter. They were first asked to watch a video of a person describing their day at work in order to induce the feeling of boredom. Then they were shown a beautiful clip of an underwater coral reef on either a TV or by using a VR headset.

Watching nature reduced negative feelings.

Just like how a walk on the beach can cheer us up, researchers found that watching videos of nature minimized boredom and sadness in people. Not only that, but the group that experienced nature through virtual reality displayed an increase in positive feelings and felt happier.

The team behind the study is claiming that this result can help people in many ways. People who don’t have access to nature regularly, like patients in hospitals, busy people who can’t afford frequent trips, and so on, can simply try watching nature shows or videos at home to relieve boredom and sadness.

This doesn’t mean that nature can be replaced by virtual reality.

Yes, watching nature indoors may make you feel better but that doesn’t mean you can just chill at home all the time. It’s recommended to go outside as much as possible. Being out in nature can do wonders, like reduce blood pressure and stress. The study, however, aims to provide a “short term fix” for general gloominess.

Do you agree that TV can replicate the feeling of being in nature? What are some of the nature shows you love watching?


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