We Compared How 16 Celebrities Looked at the Beginning of Their Career and Today

3 years ago

Fashion is a tricky thing. Today one type of design rules the world, tomorrow — the designers offer us a chance to wear completely different clothes. It’s hard to figure things out in this endless flow of changing tendencies, and finding something that will suit you is not that simple. For that, you’d need years of hard work. And celebrities who managed to build up their personal unique style are a good example of that.

Using celebrities as examples, we at Bright Side decided to show you how correctly chosen clothing can transform a woman. Check it out for yourself.

Nicole Kidman in 2003 and after 27 years in Hollywood

Zoë Kravitz in 2010 and after 11 years in Hollywood

Dakota Johnson in 2008 and after 20 years in Hollywood

Rihanna in 2007 and after 16 years in show business

Blake Lively in 2011 and after 11 years in Hollywood

Emma Stone in 2009 and after 15 years in Hollywood

Sophie Turner in 2014 and after 9 years in Hollywood

Rachel Weisz in 2007 and after 23 years in Hollywood

Sandra Bullock in 2002 and after 29 years in Hollywood

Carey Mulligan in 2010 and after 8 years in Hollywood

Jennifer Lopez in 2005 and after 26 years in Hollywood

Brie Larson in 2011 and after 18 years in Hollywood

Olivia Wilde in 2009 and after 15 years in Hollywood

Chloë Sevigny in 2002 and after 20 years in Hollywood

Scarlett Johansson in 2004 and in 2020 — after 26 years in Hollywood

Angelina Jolie in 1998 and after 28 years in Hollywood

Which of these outfits is closest to your style?


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