We’ve Tweaked the Appearance of 15 Stars, and Realized That Their Distinctive Features Define Them

2 years ago

What’s the first thing you think about when you hear the name “Chuck Norris”? He’s tough, and he has red hair, a beard, and a mustache. Sarah Jessica Parker — long hair, elongated face, and charming smile. Most stars have their own distinctive appearance features. We decided to take a look at what our favorite celebrities would look like without these features, and here are the results.

Chuck Norris

Bruce Willis

zz / John Nacion / STAR MAX / IPx / Associated Press / East News

Barbra Streisand

Tilda Swinton

Jennifer Connelly

Rupert Grint

Paul Bettany

Mary Evans Picture Library / East News

Sarah Jessica Parker

Dylan Travis / ABACA / Abaca / East News

Jenna Ortega

RW / Associated Press / East News

Tom Hardy

Sylvester Stallone

Matt Smith

Hollie Adams / AFP / East News

John Malkovich

Elijah Wood

Anna Wintour

Which of these stars can’t you imagine without their distinctive features?

Preview photo credit everett225 / Depositphotos, Dylan Travis / ABACA / Abaca / East News


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