What the Kids of 16 Childfree Celebs Would Look Like

3 years ago

While some celebrities decide to have large families, others choose not to have children. Childfree celebrities might decide to put a bigger accent on their careers, personal growth, or simply don’t feel ready to become parents yet. Having a child is a very serious, personal decision that’s best left for each couple to discuss.

While we at Bright Side respect people’s choices to not have children, we couldn’t help but wonder what the “mini-mes” of childfree celebrities might look like.

1. Jennifer Aniston

2. Miley Cyrus

3. Betty White

4. Leonardo DiCaprio

5. Winona Ryder

6. Dolly Parton

7. Keanu Reeves

8. Helen Mirren

9. Renee Zellweger

10. Oprah Winfrey

11. Ashley Judd

12. Kylie Minogue

13. Alison Brie

14. Sarah Paulson

15. Ellen Degeneres

16. Jared Leto

Do your children look more like you or your partner? Tell us in the comment section below!

Preview photo credit s_bukley/Depositphotos.com, FaceApp


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