15 Gifted Designers Who Made Our Safety and Comfort a Top Priority

3 years ago

There are designs that please our eyes and then there are others — that solve our problems and make the world a better place to live. Hands-free door openers, hammocks that double as cozy tents, and even sidewalk houses where you can leave your doggo (and be sure they’re safe and sound) while you’re in a store shopping. The wizards of design will never stop surprising us and we want more of their cool inventions.

Here at Bright Side we’d like to thank the authors of these 15 designs that are making our lives safer and more comfortable, and we hope you like their work too.

1. “There’s a safe area for texting in the hallways at my office.”

2. “My shirt has a built-in glasses cleaner in one corner of it.”

3. These bathroom door openers are hands free and protect you from bacteria that can be found on ordinary door handles.

4. A walking stick that can turn into a stool when necessary.

5. “This baby store has different surfaces to ‘road test’ the strollers.”

6. The instructions on this paper bag show the best way to pack the goods.

7. These sidewalk dog houses will keep your dog safe and cool while you’re shopping.

These Dogspots are equipped with heaters and A/C, and support a temperature that’s comfortable for the season and the dog.

8. Heels won’t get stuck in the grates with these steel foot prints.

9. “These winter boots have a flip-down ice cleat in the heel to help with walking on icy surfaces.”

10. You can turn one of these benches into a bench and table combo.

11. These hammocks double as tents that protect you from animals and insects when you sleep.

12. Your shoes are protected from the heaviest rains with these shoe covers.

13. The radiators in this building double as warm benches.

14. A bathroom for service dogs in an airport

15. “These tactile studs change color to reflect the pedestrian signals for people looking down at their phones.”

Which designs or inventions have surprised you recently? Which design do you think we really need, but it still doesn’t exist?


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