
10 Surprising Struggles People Face After Going Gluten-Free

10 Surprising Struggles People Face After Going Gluten-Free
3 weeks ago

Deciding to go gluten-free is a big step, often fueled by the promise of better health, increased energy, or relief from digestive troubles. For many, it’s a game-changer—but it’s not without surprises. While ditching gluten can help with certain conditions, it also comes with a unique set of challenges that might catch you off guard. Before you take the plunge, it’s worth knowing what to expect so you can navigate the ups and downs with confidence.

15 Foods We Thought Were Safe but Are Actually Dangerous

15 Foods We Thought Were Safe but Are Actually Dangerous
month ago

A healthy diet means at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day, without including starchy vegetables like potatoes. However, large corporations often advertise certain food items as healthy and risk-free, when in reality they are filled with sugar. Are you ready to find out whether you've been eating any of these supposedly healthy foods?

21 Life Hacks to Try When You Feel Uneasy for No Apparent Reason

21 Life Hacks to Try When You Feel Uneasy for No Apparent Reason
month ago

You are not alone if you've ever wondered why things were feeling not right, unable to shake off a strange anxiety. Most of us have had unexplained anxiety at some point in our lives, and this may be your body's way of telling you something is wrong. It's important to pay attention to yourself and try to figure out what's wrong. Below are some simple hacks shared by people, that fixed their uneasiness, and might just work for you too.

10 Signals Your Body Sends to Tell You Something Is Wrong

10 Signals Your Body Sends to Tell You Something Is Wrong
11 months ago

Our bodies are incredibly intelligent, often providing us with subtle clues when something isn’t quite right. From minor discomforts to more pronounced symptoms, these signals serve as valuable indicators of our overall health. In this article, we’ll explore ten ways your body may be trying to tell you that something is amiss. Content is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. Seek guidance from your doctor regarding your health and medical conditions.

11 Things Poop Is Trying to Tell Us About Our Health

11 Things Poop Is Trying to Tell Us About Our Health
year ago

We do everything in our power to be healthy. However, our body has ways of communicating, which, if we know how to read them, can be of great help to our quality of life. In this regard, we often forget about feces. Normally, they are a topic that no one wants to talk about, but today we will share with you some reasons why you should pay more attention to them.

14 Cool Science Experiments to Try With Everyday Objects

14 Cool Science Experiments to Try With Everyday Objects
2 years ago

Did you know that you can actually inflate a balloon without using your lungs? All you need is a plastic bottle, vinegar, baking soda, a funnel, a rubber, and a balloon, of course. First, pull some baking soda into the balloon using your funnel. And now pour the vinegar into the bottle. You don’t need a lot — just fill about a third of the bottle. Let’s go ahead and put the balloon over the bottle. But don’t tip the soda inside the vinegar yet. Secure the balloon with a rubber band and tip it over to make the soda fall into the vinegar. And now you can step back and enjoy the show. When the baking soda and the vinegar are mixed together they release CO2 that will inflate the balloon.

A Banana Stuffer From Amazon Will Set Off a Firework of Flavors in Your Kitchen

A Banana Stuffer From Amazon Will Set Off a Firework of Flavors in Your Kitchen
2 years ago

Feeding fiber to children is sometimes not an easy task. In the meantime, fruits and vegetables are necessary for our body, for the normal functioning of the intestines, and to provide the body with the necessary vitamins to maintain good health. It also reduces the risk of infectious diseases. Parents are ready to try all sorts of tricks to add good things to their children’s meals. But perhaps with our idea, children will willingly take up eating a healthy snack. And check out the bonus section at the end of this article for more fun food items!

12 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for All-Day Energy in 2022

12 Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipes for All-Day Energy in 2022
2 years ago

Smoothie recipes abound on the internet, and we can make whatever we want for a specific diet, as a pre-workout drink, or simply to cool off in the summer heat. These recipes are simple to make and can be found in a local store, and a smoothie can provide a lot of nutrition. Smoothies can also be customized to your liking.

12 Popular Beliefs About Food That You Ought to Stop Following

12 Popular Beliefs About Food That You Ought to Stop Following
2 years ago

There have been many myths and misconceptions about food and diet that we’ve all been familiar with since we were kids. However, as years go by, science keeps busting more and more of them. But this doesn’t mean that everyone is aware of these myths — unless they are scientists keeping track of all the new studies. That’s why we decided to look around and see which of these misconceptions are still quite popular.

What Can Happen To Your Body If You Start Eating Oranges

What Can Happen To Your Body If You Start Eating Oranges
2 years ago

In a time of transoceanic travels and rare medical advances, sailors used to fear scurvy, a disease that affected them the most. Today, we know that scurvy is no more than a deficiency of vitamin C in our body and that by simply eating an orange a day, it can be cured.Our Bright Side team wanted to show you all the benefits eating an orange a day can offer your body so that you can stay healthy.

7 Things Hot and Cold Foods Can Do to Your Body

7 Things Hot and Cold Foods Can Do to Your Body
3 years ago

Ice cream is much sweeter when cold, while ham is more savory when eaten warm. However, the difference in taste is only one aspect of the hot and cold debate. That’s why we decided to dig deeper and find other facts about how hot and cold food affects our bodies. And you can find out all about them if you stick around — we promise you’ll find a few surprises.

8 Nuances That Make Your Tights Tear

8 Nuances That Make Your Tights Tear
Tips & tricks
3 years ago

It’s not for nothing that the phrase, “It’s better to have 100 wrinkles on the face than one on your tights,” appeared. Many ladies know well the disappointment of suddenly pulling a hole in their tights, especially when they’re new. That gave birth to many tricks: from storing tights in the freezer to always having colorless nail polish with you. The good thing is that these troubles can be avoided if you follow several simple recommendations.

I Ditched 12 Common Foods From My Diet and I Feel So Much Better

I Ditched 12 Common Foods From My Diet and I Feel So Much Better
3 years ago

When I was 18, I began to think about the foods I ate. It was triggered by the word “junk food,” which I read in some magazine. I also felt very sorry for animals, like cows, sheep, and pigs. I decided to give up on meat and generally began to carefully monitor what I ate. I read scientific articles and tried to understand how to replace normal (but not always healthy) foods. Not everyone around me understood my position, but now, 15 years later, I don’t regret my decision at all.

12 Popular Foods That Can Do More Harm Than Good

12 Popular Foods That Can Do More Harm Than Good
4 years ago

Vegan, no gluten, low-fat, and even superfood labels are constantly promoted as “healthy” and “guilt-free” options to help you achieve perfect well-being. However, lots of junk ingredients can be sneakily added to them, turning our favorite snacks into less obvious junk food. In the end, we might end up damaging our health and unexpectedly putting on extra pounds.

9 Ways to Make Your Digestive System Run Smoothly

9 Ways to Make Your Digestive System Run Smoothly
4 years ago

When we eat a lot of cabbage, we can have cramps and gas problems. This happens because of sugar that cannot be digested by our stomachs. But by doing certain yoga poses or sleeping on the left side, you can improve circulation and digestion. Let’s not forget that our emotional state also has something to do with this. In fact, high levels of stress or anxiety can disturb our digestive system, as studies have shown.

What Could Happen to Your Body After Eating Instant Noodles

What Could Happen to Your Body After Eating Instant Noodles
4 years ago

Instant Noodles are not as harmless as some of us might have previously thought. They often cause health problems that we would never attribute to Instant Noodles. But they are quick and easy to prepare, so many of us end up choosing to eat them as a meal. We at Bright Side have done research that will show you the effects and harm that Instant Noodles can have on your body after you ingest them.

7 Reasons Why You Might Be Gaining Your Weight Back

7 Reasons Why You Might Be Gaining Your Weight Back
4 years ago

Gaining your weight back can be very frustrating and not knowing what is causing it can make you feel more unsettled. Even though diets help with weight loss, it’s also the main factor in gaining fat back and getting caught up in yo-yo dieting. However, there are reasons for this that you might not be aware of that are part of your everyday life.

8 Popular Things That Cause More Harm Than Good

8 Popular Things That Cause More Harm Than Good
4 years ago

More and more people are starting to care about their health and ecology. Thanks to this, many new useful things and habits have appeared in our lives. For example, things like detoxing the body regularly and wearing faux leather have become quite popular nowadays. But are all these novelties really as useful as we think they are?

10+ Foods That Make You Feel Hungry (and What to Eat Instead)

10+ Foods That Make You Feel Hungry (and What to Eat Instead)
4 years ago

Some people find themselves getting hungry just a short while after they’ve eaten, whether it was a little snack or a whole meal. The truth is that the problem might not be the quantity, but the quality, of the food you’ve eaten. A lot of foods, even otherwise healthy ones, lack certain proteins or fiber, so they actually leave you feeling hungry. On the other hand, a simple replacement, or even preparing your favorite foods in a different way, can have the opposite effect: making you feel satisfied.

8 Foods That Are Worse Than Cigarettes

8 Foods That Are Worse Than Cigarettes
5 years ago

Scientists discovered that lacking important nutrients can harm your health. However some products, which we include in our diet for their so called beneficial qualities, might also be destructive for our bodies. Among them are fresh fruit juices that look healthy in comparison with other fizzy drinks, but can actually bring you one step closer to diabetes.

9 Nutrition Mistakes That Are Making Us Fat

9 Nutrition Mistakes That Are Making Us Fat
5 years ago

Obesity is an epidemic, and we all want to escape it. So, if you have put on a few unwanted pounds, the urge to immediately lose them can sometimes cause you to make mistakes. In our over-zealousness and because of all the misinformation flooding the internet, it is very possible that we might unknowingly be committing mistakes, like doing the wrong exercises or eating the wrong things.

15 Fat-Burning Foods to Fire Up Your Weight Loss

15 Fat-Burning Foods to Fire Up Your Weight Loss
5 years ago

We don’t always have to cut out whole groups of foods or eat less in order to lose weight. On the contrary, we need to eat enough to give our body the fuel and much-needed calories and nutrients so it can take care of itself. Eating healthy is more than just not eating junk food. Eating healthy means eating the right foods for us that are nutritious and boost our metabolism, thus speeding up our weight loss process.

11 Foods You Can Add to Your Diet to Get a Flat Stomach

11 Foods You Can Add to Your Diet to Get a Flat Stomach
6 years ago

Getting the perfect flat stomach is not just about hitting the gym and exercising, the food that you eat matters too. Often the foods recommended for weight loss are bland and uninteresting to the palate. And after a few days, you eventually go back to eating your regular meals, which is certainly detrimental for your flat-tummy aspirations.

How to Outsmart Hormones That Can Make Us Gain Excess Weight

How to Outsmart Hormones That Can Make Us Gain Excess Weight
6 years ago

In addition to a sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet, hormones might play a certain role in gaining weight. If you’ve been on one of the popular protein diets (meaning you eat only meat and have forgotten what carbs look like) for over a month now but your weight hasn’t changed, estrogen is probably to blame. In order to balance an excess of estrogen in your body, it’s recommended to minimize the consumption of products rich in protein.

9 Effective Ways to Tighten Your Belly

9 Effective Ways to Tighten Your Belly
6 years ago

If a flattering stomach is one of your main goals, welcome to the club, trust us that you are not alone. Stomach fat not only affects appearance and self-confidence, it also has a big impact on your health. Doctors call it visceral fat, it covers your organs, can do serious damage to your well-being, and lead to some serious health issues, like cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

10 Weight Loss Tips That Work If Diets Don’t Help Anymore

10 Weight Loss Tips That Work If Diets Don’t Help Anymore
6 years ago

According to the results of studies by scientists from big U.S. Universities, only 1 out of 5 people managed to lose the extra weight that was at least 10% of their body mass. One of the reasons that makes losing weight such a hard task is the plateau effect. This is a phenomenon where the weight stops decreasing despite all efforts. Of course, when there is no progress, people get disappointed and tend to stop leading a healthy lifestyle. However, it is possible to fight the plateau effect.

8 Grains to Eat If You Want to Lose Weight and 3 to Avoid

8 Grains to Eat If You Want to Lose Weight and 3 to Avoid
6 years ago

Lately, grains have gotten a bad reputation because many people think about grains as carbs and carbs as a way to gain weight. Well, it’s not that simple, and it’s not that complicated either. Some grains will actually help you to lose or maintain the perfect weight, while some will do the exact opposite. The trick is to choose the right type of grain. And, don’t miss our very special bonus.

15 Healthy Habits That Can Actually Put Your Health at Risk

15 Healthy Habits That Can Actually Put Your Health at Risk
6 years ago

Eating wholesome foods, hitting the gym regularly, and catching up on sleep you’ve been deprived of for some reason — all this sound healthy enough, but there’s always a catch when health is concerned. Any of your good habits can turn against you if you don’t know what’s really right for you.

15 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of and Still Not Gain Weight

15 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of and Still Not Gain Weight
8 years ago

Even if you’re crazy about keeping your figure, there are still foods you can eat without limitations. They’re rich in fiber while being low calorie, satiating you without the risk of gaining weight. We at Bright Side compiled a list of such products. However, you should always make sure that your diet is well balanced with a sensible variety of foods.