What Could Happen to Your Body After Eating Instant Noodles

4 years ago

Instant Noodles are not as harmless as some of us might have previously thought. They often cause health problems that we would never attribute to Instant Noodles. But they are quick and easy to prepare, so many of us end up choosing to eat them as a meal.

We at Bright Side have done research that will show you the effects and harm that Instant Noodles can have on your body after you ingest them.

Your daily recommended quota of sodium will be filled in just one sitting.

Instant noodles are mostly salt and carbohydrates, which are only good to ingest in moderation.
If in one meal, you attain your daily quota of sodium, chances are you are going to consume too much of it that day.

They also often don’t contain enough nutritional value, like vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

You will retain more water when you eat them.

After eating Instant Noodles you will not only feel bloated, but also lethargic. This is because of the water your body retains after you eat them.

You can also gain temporary weight.

They will stay in your stomach for a longer amount of time.

These types of noodles, because they are processed noodles, stay in the stomach for a longer time.

In order to have an idea of how long they will stay inside the stomach, in comparison to regular noodles, we looked at an interview with Dr. Kuo. Regular, fresh noodles were nearly gone 2 hours after being ingested, while the Instant Noodles were only just beginning to break down.

You will increase your risk of getting sick.

The chances of developing new health conditions also exist.

Studies show that women who eat Instant Noodles at least twice a week, have a bigger risk of this happening to them. These health conditions can include diabetes and heart disease.

MSG, which is an additive present in Instant Noodles, can also give you headaches and cause nausea.

You may have blurred vision.

This type of food is made to last a very long time, which means it contains toxic additives to preserve its shelf life.

One of these toxic additives is dangerous for humans, since it can cause you to have blurred vision as a side effect if you have too much of it.

Add vegetables and healthy ingredients, ditch the flavor packet.

The one way you can still enjoy Instant Noodles, and have them be healthier, is to flavor them yourself.

This will allow you to control the amount of sodium and add fiber and protein, as well as to not have to ingest the additives that are bad for your health like the MSG contained in flavor packets.

A healthier meal is always better than Instant Noodles.

Eating Instant Noodles occasionally won’t harm your health. However, regular consumption has indeed been linked to poor diet quality and health problems. The recommendation is to limit their consumption and not substitute them for a healthy meal on a regular basis.

They are indeed delicious, quick, and easy to prepare. But we should keep in mind that they are not, at all, healthy.

Do you love Instant Noodles and eat them a lot?
Let us know in the comments!

Preview photo credit Depositphotos.com


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Unfortunately, for people who cannot afford much for food or does not have easy access to healthy food, this may be their only choice...

4 years ago
This comment will be published in 2236.

When I was a student - I liked such type of food. Now I do not)


I actually had nearly all of these after trying them for the first time and yeah... it was also my last time xD


Because a lot of people love them so I wanted to know why and try them for myself, wasn't really a success tho


I ate 4 packs of Eezee 2 minute noodles at once yesterday 14 April 2024, it was so delicious, but it was a big mistake. I felt so full and bloated, my stomach felt heavy, i felt nauseous, i am still havibg blurred vission and heavy headed with headaches that come and goes. I was not aware that 2 minute noodles can cause all this my body is in total shock i would say


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